First, Updike depicts Sammy's rebellious attitude toward his customers with Sammy's references of "sheep,"� "witches,"� and "cash-register-watchers."� When Sammy is distracted by the girls and cannot remember if he has already rung a box of HiHo crackers, he rings it up again without first checking the tape. When the customer justifiably complains, he describes her as a "witch about fifty with rouge on her cheekbones and no eyebrows"� and a "cash-register-watcher"� who had "been watching cash registers for fifty years"� (Updike369). Instead of admitting his error he disrespectfully describes her complaint as "giving me hell"� (369). He further describes her delight in catching his error as " it made her day to trip me up"� (369), as if it was her fault he made the careless mistake. He also refers to the town women as "women with six children and varicose veins mapping their legs"� (371), "sheep pushing their carts down the aisle"� (370) and "houseslaves in pin curlers"� (371). Furthermore, Sammy clearly shows his despise for his customers when he says that if a stick of dynamite went off in the store, they "would by and large keep reaching and checking oatmeal off their lists and muttering"¦whatever it is they do mutter"� (371).
Additionally, Updike demonstrates Sammy's rebellious attitude toward his co-workers by his arrogant judgments of them. Sammy disdainfully refers to an older married checker, Stokesie, who is