“For instance, standardized tests are not reliable. According to ProCon.org, a non profit website that presents facts for both sides of controversial issues,
A 2001 study published by the Brookings Institution found that 50-80% of year-over-year test score improvements were temporary and "caused by fluctuations that had nothing to do with long-term changes in learning..."
These exams are far from objective. The only objective thing about these standardized tests is the scoring. Everything else such as how the questions are worded, how tests are administered, and which answers are marked as “correct” are not objective. The outcome of these tests can easily be affected by stress and anxiety. Stress and test anxiety cannot only affect the way you think, it also can affect the way you see things. The exam then becomes a test on how stress and anxiety affect you versus how well you know the material on the test.
“On Mar. 14, 2002, the Sacramento Bee reported that "test-related jitters, especially among young students, are so common that the Stanford-9 exam comes with instructions on what to do with a test booklet in case a student vomits on it."
Next, the arguments that multiple-choice format is fair and reliable are easily refutable. The multiple-choice format on standardized tests is a very poor form of judging students ability. Any person can receive a decent grade on any exam with multiple-choice format. Multiple choice format exams are not a test on the material and how well the student knows the subject; they are a test on a student’s ability to guess. These exams are actually called multiple-guess by some students. This form of testing is also unreliable because it is easier to recognize an answer in front of the students instead of having to think of the answer on their own.
In conclusion, standardized tests should not be used and the “student portfolio” should replace them. There are far too many arguments against standardized testing to consider them fair and reliable. And to say they gauge a students ability is a lie. Education is extremely important according to the majority of college students. But gauging the student’s abilities should not be based off results from standardized tests.
Works Cited
Lynn Olson, "Study Questions Reliability of Single-Year Test-Score Gains,” Education Week, May 23, 2001
Susan Ohanian, "Collateral Vomitage,” www.susanohanian.org, Mar. 14, 2002
Cited: Lynn Olson, "Study Questions Reliability of Single-Year Test-Score Gains,” Education Week, May 23, 2001 Susan Ohanian, "Collateral Vomitage,” www.susanohanian.org, Mar. 14, 2002
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