In some instances, Chopin fast forwards the events until she hits a significant moment to focus on in detail. For example, she briefly mentions when Edna arrived at Madame Antoine and wakes up after a long nap, but when Edna finds out Robert is leaving, Chopin focuses on Edna's response and provides the reader with Edna's thoughts concerning the situation. Chopin even takes significant time to write about a characters
thoughts concerning an event or occasion. At one instance, Chopin reflects on Edna's fit when she breaks the vase and stomps on her ring. She focused on this to reveal characterization of Edna and how she is throwing a fit like a child. She focuses heavily on the last scene to show specifically how Edna goes about killing herself. Also, She specifically refers to the environmental conditions to appeal to the senses. She specifically describes the environment when the Pontelliers and Ratignoles went for a nighttime swim. "...Strange rare odors abroad...","coiled back like slow, white serpents" (Pg. 27