In December 7, 1941 several Japanese planes attacked our Naval Base at Pearl Harbor in the United States Hawaiian territory. This event was devastating not only to the military people’s families who lost their sons or husbands in the naval vessels, but to our nation. Immediate action had to be planned after this declaration of war against the United States. President Roosevelt decided to sign and issue the Executive Order 9066 a couple of weeks after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. This order consisted of removing any American with Japanese decent to be relocated into military areas during World War II. At this point, military people removal from their areas was necessary in order …show more content…
to relocate more thousands of Japanese Americans. This order allowed the Secretary of War, Henry L. Stimson to formulate military strategies which included to relocate military zones in order to make them internment camps for Japanese Americans. Did the Supreme Court enforce or abandon the Constitution with its decision in Korematsu?
Fred Korematsu was being accused of being a foreign enemy since he was a Japanese’s American, although, he was in fact living in California.
Korematsu indicated that the government was violating the Fifth Amendment which consist that no one should be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law. The decision in Korematsu indicates that the executive order actually violated the Bill of Rights which include some of his personal rights. Korematsu refused to leave California when he was asked to move into the military homes because he claimed that he was being deprived of his right to live freely and he indicated that the government should not have permission to make these decisions without a due process of law. The due process law is considered in certain court cases to restrict the amount of control the government has available to exercise over their citizens. Since this due process law clause was in fact found in the court case, Korematsu was arrested not due to the racism, but due to the fear of another incident happening similar to what happen in Pearl Harbor. Since he did not follow the order given by the government he had to suffer the consequences of being arrested. Based on this decision, the Supreme Court enforced the Constitution with its decision they took in Korematsu. This type of temporary segregating Japanese Americans by relocating them in interment camps was ruled constitutional. This case was successful in keeping national security and prevented other attacks to
occur. Is it possible that a President might follow the example of President Roosevelt and rely on Korematsu to order American Muslims or some segment of the American Muslim community to be placed in internment camps within the United States, regardless that they had not been accused of any crime or of treason or sabotage?
Well it is possible that one day, the current President Trump could start segments of American Muslims. In the news, lately, I have heard that President Trump is not letting anyone from Muslin descendant into the United States, even some green card holders were being detained. President Trump signed an order to suspend admission to all refugees from either Syria, Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Yemen, and Somalia for 120 days. Trump is planning a Muslim ban and he plans to make it legal. He would of course have to speak to the Supreme Court and executive branch to enforce these laws. Some states have actually started implementing these laws whereas others such as New York have threatened not to enforce it. Trump wants to implement strict measures to keep out radical Islamic terrorists for national security reasons. For the most part, the American Muslim community has been calm and resourceful in the United States by opening businesses and helping society open more job opportunities. Although, our current President does not believe they are “Americans” therefore, he wants to keep them out of the country and does not even care that they are refugees. He does not understand the meaning of refugees and believes other countries are just sending terrorists into the United States. At times, the President and the House of Representatives which are currently Republican will be able to pass laws and enforce them even if it means to keep immigrants away. These bans will cause chaos in our country and democrats along with other followers want him to reverse this executive order. President Donald Trump is currently checking the past of several Mexicans who are currently living in the United States and if they are found to be guilty for a crime of treason or sabotage they are not being welcomed into the United States and are being sent back to their home countries. However, us as citizens are also being currently checked for tickets or child support past bills and we are not able to get the state sticker for our car or license plates if we have not paid. Nonetheless, society should follow rules and try to avoid getting in trouble. President Trump can in fact place American Muslims in internment camps in the United States if he sees them as a threat for our country, but for this to happen, first they would have to declare war on us or law proposals would have to go through the executive office in order for them to be enforced. Recently, there have been various Muslim attacks in Paris, United States, and in Iraq. The Supreme Court could in fact pass a due process law to put Muslims in internment camps especially if they keep bombing us or threatening us. The Muslim Americans might think they can start a court case, but at the end the government will most likely indicate them guilty and the Constitution would not be overturned. Regardless of security related issues we have been having as a nation thinking that this issue is a specific country ban, it might even be more religious based since President Donald Trump is Christian. Thus, the choice decision that the Supreme Court takes will be the final decision and will not be overturned by any citizen. Similarly, Korematsu might think they were discriminating against his race, but in fact they were protecting our country. Korematsu was found guilty to comply the order 9066 and the Supreme Court decided it was constitutional to protect National Security and military reasons. The Supreme Court decided that the national security was more important and their concerns outweighed the Constitutions.