This report provide a analysis, and the meaning and influence of organizational culture.We as a group selected a local organization Lanka Hospital (Pvt) Ltd.we analysis and research the organization using a methods of visiting the organization,have a friendly talk with the employees and talk with top management peoples.Result of our research show a that organization has a very strong culture comparing to the other organization in Sri Lanka because top management handle and control the hospital culture very delibaratly. We find and identify exiguous factors that has to be changed in order to become more successful in the future. In this research, we find the prospects of the organization in its current position has a very strong positive factor to become more and more successful in the future. The major areas of weakness require further investigation and remedial action by management.In our report, recommendation discussion include the gap of the doctors and staff members and how to overcome this conflict situation.As a next point we mention about outsourcing employee's problem and how management must face it to and how to overcome the problem.Also we disuss about the trade union problem.When we do our research we have face lot of problems we called it as a limitations some of the limitations were, Management didn't like to give a correct information about organization culture. And many employees weren't given an accurate information about the culture.According to our research Lanaka Hospitals has a lot of positive and strong culture to complete with their
This report provide a analysis, and the meaning and influence of organizational culture.We as a group selected a local organization Lanka Hospital (Pvt) Ltd.we analysis and research the organization using a methods of visiting the organization,have a friendly talk with the employees and talk with top management peoples.Result of our research show a that organization has a very strong culture comparing to the other organization in Sri Lanka because top management handle and control the hospital culture very delibaratly. We find and identify exiguous factors that has to be changed in order to become more successful in the future. In this research, we find the prospects of the organization in its current position has a very strong positive factor to become more and more successful in the future. The major areas of weakness require further investigation and remedial action by management.In our report, recommendation discussion include the gap of the doctors and staff members and how to overcome this conflict situation.As a next point we mention about outsourcing employee's problem and how management must face it to and how to overcome the problem.Also we disuss about the trade union problem.When we do our research we have face lot of problems we called it as a limitations some of the limitations were, Management didn't like to give a correct information about organization culture. And many employees weren't given an accurate information about the culture.According to our research Lanaka Hospitals has a lot of positive and strong culture to complete with their