Company Description: List the company name, type of business, location, and legal status, e.g., corporation, sole proprietorship, partnership.
Statement of Mission: Write the concise statement of company purpose you developed in Chapter 5
Stage of Development: State whether your company is a start-up or continuing business, when it was founded, how far along the product or service is in its creation, and if you’re already made sales or started shipping.
Products and Services: List the products or services your company sells or plans to sell, this can be generic for a company with many products- e.g., women’s sportswear- or specific for a company with just a few.
Target Market(s): List the markets you intend to reach and why you choose them, indicate the results of any market analysis or market research.
Marketing and Sales Strategy: Briefly describe how you intend to reach your target market(s), and the advertising, direct mail, trade shows, and other methods you will use to secure sales
Competitors and Market Distribution: Indicate the nature of your competition and how the market is currently divided.
Competitive Advantages and Distinctions: Show why your company will be able to compete