The book of Genesis forms part of a series of ‘historical’ books that begins with the creation story and ends with the destruction of the kingdom of Judah (6BCE.) These narrated events are in a chronological sequence (Barton 2001:38).It is the first book of the Old Testament and Pentateuch (Barton 2001:12) . Jews name these five books the Torah or ‘the law’(Holdsworth 2005:71). The passage(Gen22:1-19) reveals God’s relationship through a trial with a major character, Abraham. Key themes that are central to the Pentateuch lie within the passage; the sovereignty and grace of God; sacrifice and obedience; the establishment and reaffirming of covenants and the redeeming nature of God. What lies before and after this encounter will be considered to try to determine the ‘original’ intended meaning and to examine its relevance and application for people today.
The biblical context of Genesis, divides it into two sections. Genesis 1-10 describes the creation story and the flood. Genesis 11-50 provides the genealogy of Abraham’s family, back to Noah, followed by the tradition of the earliest ancestors of Israel (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob known as the ‘Patriarchs’) wherein their faith is rooted and articulated (Brueggemann, 2003:43.) It is essentially a book of promises, a preface to the history of the Israel; identifying the nation of Israel and its God (Barton 2001:39).In Genesis 12 we see God choosing Abram, like Noah. A relationship ensues whereby Abram obediently follows God’s commands. God graciously acts in his life, providing him with a much wanted son and heir from his barren wife, Sarai. Abram pleases God who establishes covenants (God initiated agreements with man (Holdsworth 2005:59) with him, renaming him Abraham (and his wife Sarah); making them founders of the nation of Israel. The final chapter finds Jacob and his family in Egypt; precluding a central storyline the ‘Exodus’ ;the foundation of Jewish history and faith (Barton
Bibliography: Barton,J and Muddiman(Ed) (2001) ‘ The Oxford Bible Commentary’ Oxford: OUP Brueggemann, W. (2003) ‘The Ancestors’ An introduction to the Old Testament: The Canon and Christian imagination Louisville: Westminster/John Knox Press Coggins, R. ‘Introducing the Old Testament’ Oxford: OUP Coogan,M . (2008) ‘ The Old Testament’ Oxford: OUP Drane, J. (2011) ‘Introducing the Old Testament’(Third Edition) Lion Press Henry, M. (2008) ‘ Commentary on the Whole Bible’ Hendrickson Publishers Holdsworth, J. (2005) ‘The Old Testament’ London: SCM Press