8 years ago, when Obama was up for election, somone I love asked someone else I am very close to if they'd hire a CEO to run a company when that person only had 300 Days of experience. They thought we were out of our minds to vote in a President with so little political background. Throughout this election season I have had a similar question...why would we, as a country, vote someone into the Presidential office who not only has ZERO political experience but also such sexist, racist, bigoted, entitled, disrespectful qualities as a person? These arent's roumors...we've seen and heard it with our own eyes and ears. We try to teach our children to be kind, respectful, understanding, and inclusive yet we elect a man who could never the be the roll model I'd wish for my children or the …show more content…
type of man I'd ever allow my daughters to be in a room with.
I know it isn't posible to have a President who posess the qualities each one of us desires in a candidate.
I know, when faced with less than ideal outcomes, it's important to continue to stay positive, to work together, and ultimately respect the position of the President of the United States but when the man who has been elected has not earned my trust or respect and who makes my stomach turn and my heart ache for the future of my children I have a hard time looking forward to see the positive, unifying, impact this person should have on our country. I sure hope I'm wrong and that the United States will be left a better place after the next 4 years...I sure hope