Females and males both perceived technology education classes as "guy" classes and females perceived technology education classrooms as dirty, hence “unfeminine”. Remote locations away from the core of the school building, sexist and dehumanizing comments from male students were all reasons stated by female students as reasons to not enroll. Other accounts portray similar situations in other areas of career technical education and in other places. For example, the number of female technology education students, teachers and teacher educators remain low in British Columbia. This disproportion is explained by continued recruiting inequities, a history of gendering in the field, and resistance to gender-specific interventions (Braundy, O 'Riley, Petrina, Dalley, & Paxton, 2000). In computer-related courses, males continue to dominate in such areas as graphic arts and computer-aided design, whereas females enroll in clerical and data-entry courses, females also lag behind males in taking the advanced placement computer science exam and in recreational and elective use of computers in school (Weinman & Haag, 1999), while undergraduate family and consumer sciences programs, as a whole, remain predominantly female. (Firebaugh & Miller, 2000) A number of states report continuing gender imbalances, reflecting traditional occupational gendering, in…