Over the last week the market has saw December corn futures fall $.08 on the heels of the Monday USDA report. The September report confirmed what most analysts have predicted for the last several weeks; there will almost certainly be a massive corn crop this season. The general consensus this week is that corn will continue to decrease throughout the harvest season. Kevin McNew of Grain Hedge believes if there is a late winter rally coming it will be “a game of small moves,”. I decided that it would be beneficial to calculate how much per bushel I need to make my break-even point. As a result of using the Missouri Extension numbers for average yield and average cost per acre I found that the minimum break-even price per bushel comes in at about…
Ants may lay pheromone trails when travelling from the nest to food, or from food to the nest, or when travelling in either direction depending on the species. They also follow these trails with a allegiance which is a function of the trail strength, among other variables. Ants drop pheromones as they walk by stopping briefly and touching their gaster, which carries the pheromone secreting gland, on the ground. The strength of the trail they lay is a function of the rate at which they make deposits, and the amount per deposit. Since pheromones evaporate and diffuse away, the strength of the trail when it is encountered by another ant is a function of the original strength, and the time since the trail…
1. What are the two groups whose results are reflected by the t ratios in Tables 2 and 3?…
How do hormone levels regulate the female menstrual cycle? Use the following experimental data to analyze hormone levels during the menstrual cycle.…
1. The researchers analyzed the data they collected as though it were at what level of measurement?…
Did the patient in Question 2 have more of a memory performance decline than average on the CVLT Retrieval? Provide a rationale for your answer.…
Please find the attached revised Problem 2-38 also I revised the Exercise 3-31 because I already submitted that assignment.…
Ch. 9: Continuing Problems 1–6, found at the beginning of the Problems section at the end of the chapter. For this assignment, use the CAFR your team selected in Week Two.…
can phone in or mail in your exam. If you’re unable to take the exam…
4. Compare the mean baseline and posttest depression scores of the control group. Do these scores strengthen or weaken the validity of the research results? Provide a rationale for your answer.…
Construct a scatter plot, find the value of the linear correlation coefficient r, and find the critical values of r from Table VI, Appendix A, p. A-14, of your textbook Elementary Statistics.…
1. The researchers found a significant difference between the two groups (control and treatment) for change in mobility of the women with osteoarthritis (OA) over 12 weeks with the results of F(1, 22) = 9.619, p = 0.005. Discuss each aspect of these results.…
I chose exercise 14.3 II. In this exercise we had to watch the local news, national news, and the local paper and answer the following questions, how many stories are apparently intended to appeal to our emotions and our sympathies, which stories seem to have been intended to grab attention by appealing to our curiosity or love of scandal, which seemed to be selected for their entertainment value, and how many stories seem intended to make us fearful for our safety or grateful for our security?…
Use the Internet to locate www.CIA.Gov and www.Amazon.com. Find the privacy and security policies for each. Compare and contrast the use of privacy statements, encryption, SSL, and cookie policies.…
Jane: Yeah, when I first come to Australian I was so shy to talk to local people, and I can’t even buy a coffee.…