Save this worksheet to your computer with the filename "Your_Name_Exercise_9."
Complete the table by doing the following:
Fill in the table by adding your answers to each question.
Submit the completed worksheet as an attachment via the Assignment tab.
Questions About What You Learned Your Answers
What are the most important concepts or processes you learned in this workshop? The most important concepts I learned in this workshop are learning how to navigate in the New Classroom. I now know how to retrieve and post assignments, discuss my concerns, and post assignments to my learning team. I also learned how to post private messages to my professor. I also know the difference between OLS and the New Classroom.
How will you apply these concepts in your educational, personal, or professional pursuits? I will apply the concepts learned from this workshop in my educational pursuits here at the University of Phoenix. Having access to the New Classroom will allow me to easily access my instructor, my assignments, my learning teams, and even my grades by having everything conveniently located in one place.
What other thoughts and observations would you like to add? I must admit that I was a little overwhelmed when I first tried to navigate through the New Classroom. I love the way everything (as far as the assigned readings and assignments) were organized, and I love the fact that I had a chance to compare the Online Learning System (OLS) to the New Classroom. Being that I carefully read everything assigned (sometimes twice); I feel that I am now ready to start my classes being prepared!