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Answer Key (a)
1. Physical fitness is a product of genetics and:
a. Body type
b. Flexibility
c. Occupation
d. Training
2. Which of the following is considered an accelerating factor for osteoporosis development in post-menopausal women?
a. Walking
b. Low body weight (especially from dieting)
c. Regular weight-bearing exercise
d. Occasional weight-bearing exercise
3. The primary target of physical training to affect hormones is:
a. The neuroendocrine system
b. Fat, bone, ligaments and tendons
c. The skeletal muscles
d. The heart
4. The adaptation of the body due to the overload imposed by regular exercise is known as the:
a. Training effect
b. Body composition effect
c. The training stimulus
d. Principles of training
5. Another common name for elevated blood sugar is ________.
a. Hyperemia
b. Hyperglycemia
c. Hypertension
d. Hypertrophy
6. Another common name for enlargement of an organ is ________.
a. Hyperemia
b. Hyperglycemia
c. Hypertension
d. Hypertrophy
7. Carbohydrate is stored in the liver and muscles in clumps of glucose molecules known as:
a. ATP
b. ADP
c. Glycogen
d. Triglyceride 8. The maximal capacity to take in, transport, and utilize oxygen (VO2 max) is also known as aerobic __________.
a. Energy
b. Aerobic fitness
c. Threshold
d. Metabolism
9. A large portion of the enhanced cardiovascular function of endurance athletes is due to which training induced change?
a. Specificity of training
b. Hypertrophic training
c. Increased blood volume
d. Decreased tidal volume
10. Endurance training leads to a desirable decrease in which component of resting cardiac output?
a. Stroke volume
b. Right-ventricular hypertrophy
c. Myocardium
d. Heart rate
11. Endurance training leads to a desirable increase in:
a. Stroke volume
b. Right-ventricular hypertrophy
c. Myocardium
d. Heart rate
12. The trained muscle is better able