Existential Therapy
The structure of Existential theory is based on four givens, or the structure of existence. There are different catalougues and list surveying these basic life conditions: that we are all going to die, than in decisive moments we are alone, that we have freedom to choose our life, and that we struggle to create meaning in a world in which our life meaning is not given in advance (yalom 1980). In looking at these four conditions to see how they fit into my belief system and if it would help me counsel my clients. I don’t really know how I would focus on the first one that we are all going to die. I personally don’t spend a lot of time and energy thinking about death. That’s probably because Ive got some specific beliefs that have put that dilemma to rest, at least for me. However I think that I could offer some good insight and an empathetic ear to a client who was asking such questions, and hopefully try and help them find their own way, which I think is the foundation for the freedom to choose and creating meaningful life. Existential isolation refers to the fact that no matter how close we may find ourselves to another person, there is a fundamental separateness that we cannot remove. This ultimate alonesess of the human condition is that we enter and leave the world alone despite our best wishes (Bauman & Waldo, 1998) Again I think that this condition is not something to be feared. Many people would rather avoid talking about and relating these basic conditions of death and isolation, but this fact does not weaken their impact it strengthens them. By addressing these issues with a client, it helps build re-pore and empathy, and creates common ground. Because we all have to face these conditions, I think this is a good place to be with a client. This in turn will lead you into freedom of choice, and creating a meaningful life, which is the ultimate goal of existential therapy. As a result, I have chosen existential therapy, because it fits
References: Fernando, D.M (2007) Existential Theory & Solution Focused strategies. Journal of mental health counseling :volume 29, number3, p. 226-241
Jacobsen, B. (2007) Authenticity & Our basic Existential Dilemas. Journal of the society for Existential Analysis,Volume 18. Issue 2, p 288-296.
Frankl, V.E (1984) Man’s Search For Meaning (3rd edition) New York: Simon & Schuster.
Howatt, W.A (2000) The Human Services Toolbox. Nova Scotia Community College.