Professor Kelley
Writing 101
2 February 2013
Exit Through the Gift Shop
In todays society there are many different kinds of art. As well as many different meanings art. Exit Through the Gift Shop was a very interesting documentary that I have ever seen. It was very empowering in a way. This documentary was mostly based on graffiti, from how it started and how it ended. Now the question is, is graffiti real art? I certainly think that graffiti is real art. I think any art that is made is real art. A person, who is passionate and creative about art, makes real art. There is not false in that. A second question that is frequently asked is, “how is street art different from fine art?” Street art is specifically visual art, developed in public places and spaces. Public places such as “the street”, where everyone can see anything and everything. Fine art is creative art, but art that only comes from their artist’s imagination. The point of street art is to show not only people that make fine art are artists, so are the people who do street art. In the film, there are many cultures that appear. For someone to understand the cultural identities is just to realize that many people can make art. It’s just not a certain type of culture. The one culture that defines cultural identity is French. All of the artists started of with the French background.
First, picture a rat with a paintbrush, stenciled in red on a billboard, the text spray-painted neatly underneath: ”I’m out of bed and dressed. What more do you want?” The choice of the rat I think is because a rat in the street is always looked at. The rat is almost always talked about as well. It’s symbolic because it is similar to the artists. The artists are always talked about and looked at.
The subject of this documentary is street art and the narrator is Bansky. At first the documentary seems like its all about Bansky and his art, but does the middle till the end of it, it is all about