
Exoneration: Crime and Group Option

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Exoneration: Crime and Group Option
Content 1. Questions paper 3 2. Exoneration 4 3. Case(1): Dwayne Allen Dail 5 4. Case(1): Group option 6 5. Case(2): Herman Atkins 7 6. Case(2): Life after exoneration & Group option 8 7. Conclusion 9 8. Reference 10


* Exoneration is an action in which someone is cleared of guilt. * It is also possible to receive exoneration for other types of crimes, and the term may be used in other legal senses. * Most legal systems are designed so that the people responsible for crimes can be identified and punished. * Exoneration can play an important role in the legal system, by providing an avenue to allow innocent people to be discharged of guilty verdicts. * The goal is to make sure that the actual criminal is convicted and someone is not wrongfully imprisoned. * DNA exoneration is a tool utilized by many members of the legal community. * Organizations which work to exonerate people who are believed to be innocent may also have advocacy branches which work with people who are reintegrating into society after exoneration.


On Friday, May 13, 1988,
A man had crawled through

References: The Innocence Project (2004) DWAYNE ALLEN DAIL. Available: Last accessed 16 JUNE 2012. S.E. Smith. (2003). EXONERATION. Available: Last accessed 16 MAY 2012. The Innocence Project (2004) HERMAN ATKINS.[online]Available at:[Accessed:16.5.2012]

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