Brandi Lewis
American Public Univeristy
Peterson, R. B., Napier, N. K., & Shul-Shim, W. (2000). Expatriate management: A comparison of MNCs across four parent countries. Thunderbird International Business Review, 42(2), 145-166. Retrieved from
With globalization comes the need for expatriates, and with expatriates comes the need for human resource management for those expatriates. This prompted authors Richard Peterson, Nancy Napier and Won Shul-Shim (2000) to conduct a study of expatriate management of multinational corporations (MNCs). The underlying purpose of the study is to determine whether or not MNCs conduct universal expatriate management through policies and procedures, which will subsequently highlight the similarities and differences in expatriate management in expatriate governance (Peterson et al., 2000). Peterson et al. (2000) discuss expatriate management in terms parent-country nationals and third country nationals respective of the typical HR functions such as selection, compensation, training, performance management and repatriation management of expatriates of the parent company.
To conduct their research, Peterson et al. (2000) set out to answer two questions based on their background research and literature: 1) “Can we generalize from much of the research literature that draws primarily on the experiences of American multinationals ?” and 2) “How current are Tung’s findings based on her data in the late 1970s and the early 80s using samples of American, European, Japanese multinationals?”. The authors reveal that Tung’s 1981 article presents survey results that illustrate among 80 MNCs, the selections of expatriates depended heavily upon interpersonal and adaptability skills; and the results show that the failure rates usually were the cause of “greater variability in staffing criteria and training (Peterson et al., 2000).
References: Anne-Wil Harzing, & Christensen, C. (2004). THINK PIECE: Expatriate failure: Time to abandon the concept? Career Development International, 9(6), 616-626. Retrieved from Deresky, H. (2011). International management: Managing across borders and Cultures, texts and cases. 7th ed. Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice Hall Peterson, R. B., Napier, N. K., & Shul-Shim, W. (2000). Expatriate management: A comparison of MNCs across four parent countries. Thunderbird International Business Review, 42(2), 145-166. Retrieved from