PAD 540 International Public Administrations
Strayer University
The first assignment addressed the September 11 terrorist attacks as well as how these attacks hampered United States of America’s foreign policy. This assignment addresses five main issues. The first section identifies the way in which transitional actors, interest groups, the media and public opinion influenced the chosen event which in this case is the terrorist attacks in 2001. The second section is the usage of an expected utility theory in order to analyze chosen events. The third one is determining as well as discussing the foreign policies or models that played a role in the event. The fourth discusses …show more content…
Expected utility theory needs to be used in the analysis. An expected utility theory refers to a theory whereby there is a bet between people mainly in regard to specific outcomes that have been present. In this case it applies to risk aversion. It will explain the use of certain choices that contradicted the outcome and led to a terrorist attack. There are 9/11 advance forms of knowledge that make up conspiracy theories. These expected utility theories center mainly on arguments that specific individuals as well as institutions had specific foreknowledge concerning the occurrence of the 2001 September 11th attacks. The expected utility theory suggests that there are primary concerns which include the issue that the United States Armed Forces and the Bush administration were aware of planned attack methods by the al Qaeda but were reluctant (Bodden, …show more content…
They decided to undertake appropriate steps in order to deal with that the confronting situation. The important target here was to use force when retaliating since it was also used in attacking the country. The discussions led to the production of the joint resolution by the Congress that authorized the President to undertake military steps in order to deal with all the parties that were responsible for the U.S. attacks. As a form of response to U.S. terrorist attacks the Congress passed important piece legislation on 14th September 2001. The legislation authorized the U.S. President to force. The legislation states that the president can “use all necessary as well as appropriate force against the persons, nations or organizations that he determined committed, aided, planned and authorized terrorist attacks that took place on the 11th of September 2001.The President thereafter signed the legislation into law on the 18th of September 2001.Section 2(a) of this joint resolution therefore authorized the President to use force. The force to be used was justified (ACHARYA, 2012). This is because of the form of attacks. Over 3,000 people lost their lives and apparently the U.S is a country known for assisting other countries with military help and other forms of help. After it was attacked it had rights to use force in