English Language Unit
Pre-sessional 2010
The experiential marketing in entrainment and tourism industry
Written Project
Qi Mi
Student ID: 200744344
2nd September 2010
Supervisor: Lucia Brandi
The work contained in this project is my own and has not been submitted for any other qualification.
All sentences and passages quoted from published sources have been specifically acknowledged by referencing to author, work and page(s).
Name: Qi Mi
Date: 2nd September 2010
1. Introduction……………………………………………………………1
2. Definition………………………………………………………………1
3.2 Experiential Strategies……………………………………………….3
3.3 Experiential marketing for tourism industry…………………………4
4. Conclusion………….…………………………………………………5
References ……………………………………………………………….6
1. Introduction
As a new marketing model, Experiential Marketing had developed many years, and has been a complete theoretical system right now. Schmitt, (1999, p.53) states that “Experience economy is everywhere, In a variety of industries, companies have moved away from traditional ‘features-and-benefits’ marketing toward creating experiences for their customers.” Although the concept of the experience economy was born in the business field, it has crossed its frontiers to tourism, architecture, nursing, urban planners and other fields. (Pine & Gilmore, 1999)
This paper will be divided into three main parts. First, it will introduce the relevant theories of experiential and the differences between traditional marketing and the new one. And the second part will discuss the strategies of experiential marketing. Then, it will give some advices about Xi’an tourism industry in the last part. Specifically, it will also use the example of Disneyland and the Tang palace restaurant to illustrate the marketing of “experience”.
2. Definition
Experiential marketing is a new way of
References: 3.1 Difference How do marketing change? It can be seen that the whole history of marketing progress which had mentioned by Schmitt (1999) 3.2 Experiential Strategies Strategy is very important to achieve your objectives; Shaz (2009) classfied that into several elements: services researches, advertise, entrainment, games, and so on. Leighton, D. (2007) ‘‘Step back in time and live the legend’: experiential marketing and the heritage sector’, International Journal of Nonprofits and Voluntary Sector Marketing Special Issue: Arts Marketing 12(2), pp.117–125. Jensen, R. (2005) The Dream Society: how the coming shift from information to imagination will transform your business. New York: McGraw-Hill. Margaret, J.K. (1981) ‘Disneyland and Walt Disney World: Traditional Values in Futuristic Form’, the Journal of Popular Culture, 15(1), pp.116-140. Pine, J.II. & Gilmore. J. H. (1998) ‘Welcome to the experience economy’, HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW, 76(4), pp. 97-97. Prentice, R. (2001) ‘Experiential Cultural Tourism: Museums & the Marketing of the New Romanticism of Evoked Authenticity’, Museum Management and Curatorship, 19(1), pp.5-26. Schmitt, B. (1999) ‘Experiential Marketing’, Journal of Marketing Management, 15(1 - 3). April, pp.53 – 67. Shaz, S. (2009) A practical guide to interactive brand experiences. London,Philadelphia: Kogan Page.