EXPERIMENT NO. 1: Mel=ng Points And Boiling Points Of Organic Compounds Mel=ng Point
-‐ temperature at which the liquid and solid are in equilibrium at a pressure of 1 atm
Mel=ng Point Range
-‐ determines the purity of a solid sample
-‐ temp at which the solids start to liquefy
-‐ temp at which the solid is completely liquid.
Importance of Mel/ng Point Determina/on: 1. Calibra=on of Thermometer 2. Determina=on of the purity of the substance
MP range
Factors Affec=ng the Mel=ng Point: 1. Intermolecular forces of ASrac=on 2. Geometric isomers 3. Purity
Intermolecular Forces of ASrac=on A. Hydrogen Bonding
-‐ strongest of all intermolecular forces of aSrac=on
-‐Only when a hydrogen shares electrons with a highly electronega=ve atom (O, N, F, or Cl) will it carry a large par=al posi=ve charge.
B. Dipole-‐dipole Forces
-‐ result when polar molecules line up their
OPPOSITE charges.
C. London Dispersion Forces
-‐ weakest of all intermolecular forces of aSrac=on
-‐ uneven electron distribu=on due to constant random mo=on of the electrons in the molecule that produces a temporary dipole, which can induce a temporary dipole in a neighboring molecule.
Consider the