Rekha Arora
Department of Computer Science
Rochester Institute of Technology
It is estimated that 43% of United States population is functionally illiterate [1]. On the other hand, the health system in United States is budding and people are being more health conscious and aware. The big question is how we can integrate the healthcare awareness in the illiterate people such that they can also take advantage of the evolving healthcare. In this paper, we present a study to analyze the effectiveness of a new iPad App designed to help low literacy adults manage health awareness.
Low-literacy, experimental design, paired t-test
Researchers have investigated that illiterate people are at high risk of poor health because they lack knowledge and understanding of medical information [1]. The low literacy adults have difficulty interpreting the medical information correctly and following the directions of medical information. This is a cause of concern looking at the 43% illiteracy rate in US. Lately there has been wide use of tablet devices and smartphones in low literacy groups. There is an increase in smartphone ownership and usage based on two recent Pew studies [2, 3] in low literacy groups. Hence we decided to use smartphone and tablet devices to increase health awareness in low literacy groups. We designed an iPad app to help low literacy adults increase health awareness. METHODS
To study the effect of iPad App, we recruited 81 low literacy adults. We greeted each participant, explained them the purpose of the experiment and obtained the informed consent at the beginning of the experiment. We started by giving a pre-health awareness test to all the participants at the beginning of the program. Then we explained them about the new iPad App which uses icons for users to input information about their food consumption and exercise. The iPad app