Identity states how ones need to be. It is a self-representation of ones interests, relationships, social activities and more. Sometimes, when ones identity is totally different to the rest of society, it will be dangerous because of bullying or discrimination. However, it is needed to be different to the rest of society in order to be ourselves. It is dangerous to have different appearance or style of clothing to the rest of society. Clothing is functioning as a form of adornment and an expression of personal taste or style, it usually gives people a prejudice to particular person. But when ones appearance is too different to others, they face bullying, simply because most of the
people don’t accept others who are different. Such as people with punk style would normally judge as crazy, ‘freaks’ and rude. Punks will normally bully by others (who are not punk) although that is just only a type of style. Same situation fits the heavy metal ones. Their images to others is black and weird, and that is not been accepted by others, people would prejudice them as bad and unhealthy. It is dangerous for them as they will be bullied by others and some may even faces life threatening. Sometimes, it is also dangerous to have different race to the rest of society. Since not all people accept multiculturalism, racism and discrimination always exists. Australian politician Pauline Hanson is a well-known example of anti-multiculturalism, ‘I believe we are in danger of being swamped by Asians’, and such speeches were defined as racism. Besides, discrimination is also a problem linked to the difference to the rest of society. In the past, Negro were all being discriminated because of their skin colour. Thus it is dangerous to be different in race to the rest of society. But sometimes, it is not dangerous to be different to the rest of society. Because it is important to be different from other people because each person is individual and unique and have different identities and belongings, it is not an expectation for them to change and become more like others. The city is always looks better when different style and different type of buildings in it, same as society, it is always better when different people are in the society. Besides, being different is also an essential characteristic trait in order to allow oneself to stand firm in what one believes in and to not allow others to influence one’s decisions, for example, when doing a mathematical question, one have done a correct solution, but he is different to his fellow classmates, in this case, it is important to be different to the rest of ‘society’ [group], as the rest of ‘society’[group] having the same solution, doesn’t means that it is right, it is always important to be different to the rest of society. In conclusion, sometimes it is dangerous to be different to the rest of society, as bullying, racism, discrimination taking places in all over the world. On the other hand, it is also important to be different to the rest of society as it gives us our own identity and belongings, and allow us to stand firm in what we believe in.