
Explain How Practitioners Treat Karim Badly

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Explain How Practitioners Treat Karim Badly
How might the practitioners treat Karim badly?
Neglect means fail to care for properly.
In a special education needs setting there are children who have learning difficulties. Karim would be one of the student with this. A special educational needs teacher, special education needs assistant, support assistant or therapist might ignore and fail to attend a person’s needs. This could mean that not all the following practitioners might give as much support to Karim when a test is happening, due to their target grade and might help a few individuals. They might just advise Karim on the next exam preparations. This is because they treat them differently because of low intelligence. This could lack social support and equitable treatment
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Punishment means the infliction or imposition of a penalty as retribution for an offence.
During my visit to the special educational needs setting. I saw a little girl hit one of the special education needs teacher. The child showing hostile and obstructive behaviour, which acts as a barrier that stops the special educational needs teacher from treating her well. The special educational needs teacher may decide to punish the child by stopping her from going outside to play or hitting her back. (Violence.) In addition, a therapist, support assistant and special education needs assistant could do something as similar to this.
When, I visited the special educational needs setting. I experienced in seeing a child swearing and hitting the dinner supervisor after the child wanted to leave and play outside and not have his dinner. This can lead to the dinner supervisor not treating him well and thinking differently about him and they might hit him back (violence). They might punish him by leaving him last in the ques if he is having school dinner or if it were packed lunch, he would need to wait for the people who have pack lunch to take their bags and then it will be
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Throughout the visit, I had paid attention to a special education needs teacher; therapist special education needs assistant and support assistant discriminate children with different abilities. The children were treated as per their intelligence. The brightest students always received better treatment than the average students, which was very unfair.
A dinner supervisor may also discriminate, children by giving certain pupils better food than others. This might be due to a dinner supervisor disliking the races of some students. This act can result in children having very low self-esteem and they can lose respect for themselves.
Bullying can take various forms, including physically abusing or intimidating a person, using demeaning language towards them or teasing them in a way designed to be unpleasant.
When I was visiting, the special educational needs setting I saw a child being bullied by another child from an older year group. The special educational needs teacher, special education needs assistant and support assistant did not do anything about it after seeing it. However, the therapist saw and decided to stop the fight and used inappropriate language abusing the child. Although, the child bullying should be punished, abusing them may not make them understand that their actions were wrong. Instead, this could cause more anger in the child.

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