Thatcher remained victorious after the General Election in 1987 with 42.9% of the popular vote which meant she was up half a point from the General Election in 1983 which shows that she was continuing her success with the electorate and was continuing to be seen to be a strong
leader. Ken Clarke, a member of Thatcher’s Conservative government supports this by saying it was ‘one of the easiest elections that I ever fought’ which
Before Thatcher’s election, Britain was seen as becoming outdated and losing its position as a world power. Britain took a less significant stance in conflict after the Second World War and America became much more important globally, this is illustrated by the American efforts in Vietnam - though the conflict was controversial it showed America was the primary military power, with Britain in the background. However, after Thatcher left, due to the win of the Falklands war and her ‘special relationship’ forged with America, Britain seemed to be reclaiming its place.