The nurse will make follow up appointments approximately 7-14days later where the drains, stitches and stents will be removed, a blood sample will be taken and a urine sample will be taken to test for any infection. Another follow up appointment will be made 6 weeks after the surgery to have the retention sutures removed.
The patient will be provided with a prescription for pain medication and advised to lightly exercise everyday for 8-12 weeks after. Management and care of the stoma will be provided as discussed above along with information on prevention of infection of the incision. The patient will be educated and given supplies to change their dressings and urostomy bag.
After this major procedure whether male or female the patients body image will be changed. This life changing experience may lead to issues regarding their self esteem leading to depression, fear, isolation or anxiety. Most males and females will become infertile and will experience erectile dysfunction and structural changes to their vagina. Nurses need to be able to provide the psychological support and eduction for these patients and recommend follow up appointments to see a specialist. Nurses should constantly reassure, guide and encourage the patient to talk about how they feel to friends, family or a