To increase the percentage yield of ethyl ethanoate can be achieved by removing water or ester during esterification.
Esterification is reversible reaction. For all reversible reactions, they have equilibrium constant, denoted by Kc. It should be the same if the reaction performed under same condition. In order to keep the Kc constant, the reaction will shift right or left. In other words, if the concentration of water or ester become low, the reaction will shift to right to produce more ester and water to keep Kc constant. From this theory, the percentage yield of ethyl ethanoate can be increased by removing the water (by dehydrating agents) or ester during the reaction. As removing water, the reaction will then shift the right to produce more water, that means also produce more ethyl ethanoate. Increase in production of ethyl ethanoate in turns increase the actual mass obtained. Since the theoretical mass will not change, percentage yield of ethyl ethanoate will also increase. Also, the simple distillation process should be repeated by few