We are subconsciously aware of the forms, but need to recall them post birth. In the Republic, Plato uses the ‘Allegory of the Cave’ as a metaphor to illustrate this idea of us in relation to the Forms. Here, we begin as bound prisoners at the bottom of a cave staring at a wall of shadows (Rep. 514a-521d). The goal is to reach heights beyond the cave and see using the sun, which represents the Forms . I see this analogy as inaccurate but reasonable. While the specifics of the story can be attacked based on its representation of life, the general notion of seeing beyond what we believe to be reality is of sound logic because we in fact do use these Forms constantly, whether we are aware of it or not. Without being recalled, the Forms would exist in our minds without our
We are subconsciously aware of the forms, but need to recall them post birth. In the Republic, Plato uses the ‘Allegory of the Cave’ as a metaphor to illustrate this idea of us in relation to the Forms. Here, we begin as bound prisoners at the bottom of a cave staring at a wall of shadows (Rep. 514a-521d). The goal is to reach heights beyond the cave and see using the sun, which represents the Forms . I see this analogy as inaccurate but reasonable. While the specifics of the story can be attacked based on its representation of life, the general notion of seeing beyond what we believe to be reality is of sound logic because we in fact do use these Forms constantly, whether we are aware of it or not. Without being recalled, the Forms would exist in our minds without our