Harm and Abuse : Injury
Hazard : Bright lighting
The harm it can cause a few problems such as weak eyesight …show more content…
, whereas if the lighting is too low there will be a chance of someone tripping or falling over things because they unable to see there whereabouts or what they are doing . This is harmful to both service users as well as the staff and visitors
Harm and Abuse : Injury
Hazard : wires left on the floor
The harm it can cause injury as anyone walking past could trip over the wire . Either a member of staff is help support a client to their seat or whether a client who has poor mobility is trying to move around and does not sight the wire on time ends up falling over , this could then lead to sprained bones and broken bone
Harm and Abuse : Acquired infections
Hazard : undisposed injections If the chance of infections are not controlled this van lead to illness and infections within the care home. Infections within with care homes could be serious and then could a life threatening situation .
As injections are used often in care homes this means that it needs to be thrown away straightaway in the right area , if not the service users as well as staff are at risk of bat Erica being around , also needles are sharp so this could cause injury if not taken care of after use .
Hazard : Cleaning Substances ( Bleach)
Harm & Abuse Acquired infection
As bleach is full of chemicals and it is a substance that if drunk this can cause burns to the throat and inside of the stomach will be affected.
For example the elderly may suffer from dementia and may not have understanding of the substance ..
Working conditions
Hazard :Too many hours of work
Harm and abuse : psychological distress
This is an hazard because in a care setting it is vital that all carers take care of there own health and wellbeing basically take into consideration . This is because if they have worked long hours for example that means that their ability to work will eventually change and this will lead to mistake and accidents . So this puts clients in danger when cared for ,for example they could be given the wrong medicine or may be over dose Working practices
Hazard :Not following procedures correctly
Harm and Abuse :Inappropriate care planning
This is an hazard because for example every staff member should know the fire regulations and should know the procdeures that take place when a fire occurs . If these set rules are not followed if puts not only clients lifes at risk bur also the cares themselves . So when moving and handling the clients , the handler may slip and fall , these mistakes could result a sprain , fracture or a strain for the individual or carer . Some cases it could lead to permeant disability