- if someone is advertising, i would perm mute by the command /mute advertising and send it to an higher staff member to ban him
- if someone go ahead and hacking, as helper i would record him on fraps fast upload to youtube, and send it to an higher staffmember
- if someone is spamming ingame chat i would warn him by the command /warn Spamming, and if he goes ahead an continue to begin as a spammer i would temp-mute him by the command
/tempmute 5m Spamming
- if someone is begin racism on chat by example saying to people something related to his body color or something else like this, i would warn him firstly by the command
begin racism, if he continue begin as a racism i would tempmute him for 5 minutes by the command
/tempmute 5m Racism
Staff disrespect
- If someone is begin disrespect to another staffmembers and getting them on a joke i would warn the person by the command /warn staff disrespect, if he continue begin disrespectful to a staffmembers i would tempmute for 5 minutes by the command /tempmute 5m staff disrespect
Spam Bot
- If someone is spamming a multiple custom accounts that related to spam bot i would screenshot it and send it to higher staff member to ban him
Suspicious Links
- If someone posting websites or links that not related to opcraft i would perm mute him by the commands
/mute Suspicious Links
Ddos Threats
- if someone go ahead and saying to person that i will "ddos you" i would warn the player firstly, if he continue to ddos threats i would perm mute the player and send to an higher staff member to ban him