The delivery of the core conditions is what all good therapist do
Control subjects who are not candidates for therapy.
The therapist is active in responding to the client, rather than in initiating or leading.
Person-centre counselling is was reasonably effective with less severe disorder but ineffective with mental disorders.
Failing to control for place to effects.
This therapy is simple, even simplistic, it has been referred to as the grunt and groan method.
It’s more beneficial for clients who are educated.
The approach relies on an overly optimistic view of people
Lack of concrete treatment approaches aimed at specific issues.
My view on some typical criticisms of person-centred
counselling is that, unlike other theory it is difficult to argue, as person-centred therapy was seen as a revolution in counselling and therapy in its early days. This is an orientation around the client’s goals may be the most explicit way of meeting and responding to the client as a self-determined individual who has the right to choose for himself or herself how he/she would like to pursue his own process of actualization. It is this aspect that is seen as being so revolutionary, for before the popularization of person-centred therapy, counselling was seen as a cold and distant practice. It is not a perfect therapeutic method, and if practiced irresponsibly greater damage could easily be done to the client. However, its view of the client as a person rather than a problem ultimately its greatest strength, and such an approach should be adopted regardless of one’s position on the other various aspects and ideas of this method.