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|UNIT TITLE | Unit 4: Marketing Principles |F/601/0556 |
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|ASSESSOR | …show more content…
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|The work for this assignment must be submitted in accordance with the instructions given at the end of the assignment. |
|You are reminded that late work will not be accepted for assessment. |
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Task 1
You are working in a small family run retail store that traditionally sold low price electrical appliances to budget conscious customers, competing mainly on price.
However, the store has increasingly come under pressure from supermarkets and other “budget-brand” retailers, who are often able to match or beat the store's prices but without the same level of specialist knowledge or local service/support.
The store's owners/managers have been considering how they might address this issue as they are keen to move away from competing on price alone. They are also considering how they might expand their business into the home theatre market and also mobile telecommunications and are pleased to learn that you may be in a position to help.
Assessment Brief
You have been asked by the store manager to deliver a training session about the concept and process of marketing.
Since the people you will be training have NO marketing knowledge, you will need to explain the following to them:
1. Explain the various elements of the marketing process (e.g. different definitions of marketing, the evolution of marketing orientation, audit, SWOT analysis, marketing objectives, marketing planning including constraints and options) 2. How a marketing orientation can benefit the business, together with the costs associated with creating and supporting a marketing orientation (e.g. links between a marketing orientation and building competitive advantage, benefits of providing customer care, satisfaction and & retention)
Learning Outcomes Covered
LO1 Understand the concept and process of marketing
Assessment Criteria
1.1 explain the various elements of the marketing process
1.2 evaluate the benefits and costs of a marketing orientation for a selected organisation
Submission Dates:
Task 2
Assessment Brief
Having completed the training session, you have now been asked to compile a report for the owners that outline the concepts of segmentation, targeting and positioning, together with a suggested profile for the types of customers you are likely to be focusing on.
In the report, you have been asked:
1. Include the macro and micro environmental factors that will influence the marketing decisions for the business (e.g. environmental scanning, PEST/SLEPT factors, customers, employees, suppliers etc, Porters 5 forces & competitive environment) 2. Help the owners to understand segmentation is different in unrelated markets by explaining how the segmentation criteria for a TV differs from that for toothpastes (e.g. bases for segmentation; geographic, demographic, lifestyle) 3. Consider and propose and appropriate targeting strategy for the business. 4. Demonstrate, with examples, how buyer behaviour affects marketing activities in different buying situations (e.g. dimensions of buyer behaviour, sociological, demographic, psychological, buyer attitudes & beliefs, environment influences) 5. Propose and justify a new positioning for the store
Learning Outcomes Covered
LO2 Be able to use the concepts of segmentation, targeting and positioning
Assessment Criteria
2.1 show macro and micro environmental factors which influence marketing decisions
2.2 propose segmentation criteria to be used for products in different markets
2.3 choose a targeting strategy for a selected product/service
2.4 demonstrate how buyer behaviour affects marketing activities in different buying situations
2.5 propose new positioning for a selected product/service
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|Submission Dates: |
Task 3
Assessment Brief
As a result of the training session and your subsequent report, you have been appointed Marketing Manager by the owners, who have now asked you to provide a report that explains how the individual elements of the extended marketing mix relate to the business,
1. How they can develop their products/services to sustain competitive advantage (e.g. features, benefits, total product concept, PLC and its effects on the marketing mix, NPD, adoption process). 2. How they can arrange their distribution to provide customer convenience (e.g. channel selection, availability and customer convenience, distribution management & logistics) 3. How prices are set to reflect an organisation's objectives and market conditions (e.g. pricing strategies, perceiving value, competition, costs) 4. How promotional activity can be integrated to achieve marketing objectives (e.g. promotional mix elements, integrating promotional plans/activities, push & pull strategies, above & below the line, sales promotion, direct marketing, internet & online marketing) 5. How the additional elements of the extended marketing mix relate to the store ( e.g. evolution, role and benefits of the extended marketing mix, product-service continuum)
Learning Outcomes Covered
LO3 Understand the individual elements of the extended marketing mix
Assessment Criteria
3.1 explain how products are developed to sustain competitive advantage
3.2 explain how distribution is arranged to provide customer convenience
3.3 explain how prices are set to reflect an organisation’s objectives and market conditions
3.4 illustrate how promotional activity is integrated to achieve marketing objectives
3.5 analyse the additional elements of the extended marketing mix
|Submission Dates: |
Task 4
Assessment Brief
The owners are now considering expanding their business in terms of the products they offer and, possibly, also opening a store in an different country. They have asked you to provide a report that explains:
1. Explains how you would plan the marketing mix for each of the following - “smart” mobile telephones - mid-range home theatre systems 2. The differences the company would need to consider should they wish to market mobile telephones to business in addition to consumers 3. Explains how and why international marketing differs from domestic marketing.
Learning Outcomes Covered
LO4 Be able to use the marketing mix in different contexts
Assessment Criteria
4.1 plan marketing mixes for two different segments in consumer markets
4.2 illustrate differences in marketing products and services to businesses rather than consumers
4.3 show how and why international marketing differs from domestic marketing
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|Submission Dates: |
|UNIT 4 |Marketing Principles |
|Learner: |Tutor: |
|Outcomes |What you must do |Assessment Criteria for Grading Purposes |
| | |For A Pass |What you have done well |What you need to improve |
|LO1 Understand the concept | |1.1 explain the various elements of the marketing | | |
|and process of marketing | |process | | |
| |Report |1.2 evaluate the benefits and costs of a marketing | | |
| | |orientation for a selected organisation | | |
|LO2 Be able to use the | |2.1 show macro and micro environmental factors which | | |
|concepts of segmentation, | |influence marketing decisions | | |
|targeting and positioning |Report |2.2 propose segmentation criteria to be used for | | |
| | |products in different markets | | |
| | |2.3 choose a targeting strategy for a selected | | |
| | |product/service | | |
| | |2.4 demonstrate how buyer behaviour affects marketing | | |
| | |activities in different buying situations | | |
| | |2.5 propose new positioning for a selected | | |
| | |product/service | | |
|LO3 Understand the individual| |3.1 explain how products are developed to sustain | | |
|elements of the extended | |competitive advantage | | |
|marketing mix |Report |3.2 explain how distribution is arranged to provide | | |
| | |customer convenience | | |
| | |3.3 explain how prices are set to reflect an | | |
| | |organisation’s objectives and market conditions | | |
| | |3.4 illustrate how promotional activity is integrated to| | |
| | |achieve marketing objectives | | |
| | |3.5 analyse the additional elements of the extended | | |
| | |marketing mix | | |
|LO4 Be able to use the | |4.1 plan marketing mixes for two different segments in | | |
|marketing mix in different |Report |consumer markets | | |
|contexts | |4.2 illustrate differences in marketing products and | | |
| | |services to businesses rather than consumers | | |
| | |4.3 show how and why international marketing differs | | |
| | |from domestic marketing | | |
|Outcomes |What you must do |For a Merit |What you have done well |What you need to improve |
|M1 - Identify and apply |You must ensure that you have shown an|• effective judgments have been made | | |
|strategies to find |effective approach to study and |• complex problems with more than one variable have been| | |
|appropriate solutions |research. effective judgements have |explored | | |
| |been applied |• an effective approach to study and research has been | | |
| | |applied | | |
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|M2 - select/design and apply |Show independence in making effective |relevant theories and techniques have been applied | | |
|appropriate |judgements. |• the selection of methods and techniques/sources has | | |
|methods/techniques |Information will have been presented |been justified | | |
| |in a logical and clear manner. |• complex information/data has been synthesised and | | |
| | |processed | | |
| | |• appropriate learning methods/techniques have been | | |
| | |applied | | |
| | | | | |
|M3 - Present and communicate |appropriate for the intended target |• the appropriate structure and approach has been used | | |
|appropriate findings |audience. |• coherent, logical development of principles/concepts | | |
| | |for the intended audience | | |
| |Presentation will be suitable for |• the communication is appropriate for familiar and | | |
| |familiar and unfamiliar audiences |unfamiliar audiences.. | | |
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|Distinction |What you must do |For a Distinction |What you have done well |What you need to improve |
| |A critical appraisal of the | | | |
|D1 - Use critical reflection to |relevant information has taken |• conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of | | |
|evaluate own work and justify |place with effective and justified|ideas | | |
|your conclusion |evaluation |and have been justified | | |
| | |• the validity of results has been evaluated using | | |
| | |defined criteria | | |
|D2 - Take responsibility for | | | | |
|managing and organizing |You will have worked |. autonomy/independence has been demonstrated | | |
|activities |independently, and will have met |• substantial activities, and investigations have been, | | |
| |your deadlines. You will have |managed and organised | | |
| |critically appraised evidence in |• activities have been managed | | |
| |the resolution of difficulties |• the importance of interdependence has been recognised | | |
| | |and achieved | | |
|D3 - Demonstrate convergent | | | | |
|/lateral and creative thinking |Problems encountered and solutions|• ideas have been generated and decisions taken | | |
| |identified, creative choices with |• convergent and lateral thinking have been applied | | |
| |rationale identified and applied |• problems have been solved | | |
| |critically. The outcome of the |• innovation and creative thought have been applied | | |
| |case studies demonstrates |• effective thinking has taken place in unfamiliar | | |
| |innovative and critical thinking |contexts. | | |
| |skills | | | |
|Format |
|All outcomes must be supported by your own analysis of how the different aspects of economic theory, international constraints and growing power of new economies have impacted r will impact on British business |
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|Tutor Signature |
|Date Resubmission date |