Explain The Four Stages Of The Natural History Of Social Problems
1. The four stages of the natural history of social problems are defining the problem, the emergence of leaders and beginning to organize, crafting an official response, reacting to the official response, and developing alternative strategies. Stage one the emergence of leaders and beginning to organize describes stating the problem and organizing the issues. Stage two describes how to persuade people on how to act. Stage three describes renewing claims and criticizing whatever opposition. Stage four describes coming up with a new plan and ideas.
2. The top three issues that I consider to be social problems are drug abuse, crime, and poverty. My social location influenced me to choose these social problems because in Frederick county these
issues need to address before it gets out of hand
3. The alternative strategies that I have come up with for dealing with crime around the community are:
• Get to know your neighbors
• Invite law enforcement in the community,
• Form a neighborhood watch
• Find out who has video surveillance cameras
• Spread the word around the community so that everyone is aware