The criminal justice system is an expression used to describe the co-dependency mechanism of the courts, government correctional facilities, and the police. The expression also describes the agencies of the criminal justice system within states of a centralized government. The criminal justice system is comprised of three interdependent mechanisms. Law making has repeatedly been included as a fourth mechanism of the justice system, considering that all legal criminal justice system activities emanate from within the law (Fuller, 2005). The comprehension of this is significant because if the process of criminal justice has issues or is unjust, a section of the issues will certainly stem from criminal law. The main aspect of law mirrors the “what” of the reputation, in which the laws are founded, in order to identify particular criminal behavior, and hence punish the law violators (Boham and Walker, 2007). However, in recent years there have been calls to overhaul the issues within the criminal justice system. This has arisen from the decreasing public confidence of the system that has seen the criminal justice system be accused of inequity and unjust performances within its mandate. Therefore, a criminal justice system review is aimed at creating an improved just, and solid compassionate system. …show more content…
Law effectiveness can be gauged based upon the access as well as equality of the law, efficiency resources, personal rights protection, enforceability, and creating a balance between societal and individual rights.
For effectiveness, the criminal justice system must provide equal treatment to all individuals, regardless of their education, age, sex, and ethnicity, or status. If a person is found to have been discriminated against these acts then the criminal justice system is perceived to have issues. On the other hand, equality adaptive effectiveness is required to suit the dynamic attitudes and values of individual and society (Karmen,
The rule of law is another area of concern when dealing with issues of criminal justice systems. The argument is that there is misconception about criminal trials, the power with organized criminal groups, and corruption within the justice system.
In conclusion, it is significant to recognize that public opinion generally purports citizen’s concurrence with criminal law. The actions accepted within the law as serious crimes are those that the public regard as serious. Because the police investigate, alleged crimes and is the entry point of a case of the criminal justice system. In addition, it is at these entry points that disparities in the justice system take root, such as bias towards race, gender, status, and education. Therefore, the entry point is the point at which starting to deal with the issues of criminal justice system can be partial solved. The litmus test for any current criminal justice system is that of fairness and effectiveness.