Crime over the course of 10 years has risen and dropped due to the change in culture in your city. LA has numerous unsolved murder cases, stemming from the disconnected youth population. From the broken tethers at the home the community looks for comfort within each other. This drives up the numbers of gangs and local crimes. Teens and young adults get labeled as criminals because of actions they commit out of boredom. These same crimes committed by teens of a higher class standing do not gain the same label. These label and separation in classes creates a tear in communities. Allowing teens to feel that they can never achieve the goals set forth by society. Labeling Theory best shows the status of your community. We have seen …show more content…
The theory of labeling, also called the theory of social reaction, is a sociological and criminological theory that places the concept of deviation in an interactionist framework. While other theories look at the individual to understand why some people choose to break a law or act outside the norms of society, the theory of labeling says that deviation is the product of interaction between the individual and society. Criminologically unique, the theory suggests that the criminal justice system, which is supposed to reduce crime, could actually provide the conditions that create new deviations. Therefore, the theory of labeling is a theory that supports a less punitive approach to crime. When society qualifies a person as deviant, these people internalize the negative etiquette and, after a while, adopt the nature of a deviated person to meet the expectations of society. Each person knows how others judge them through previous interactions with other members of society. We can say that the self is molded according to this perception of society. When society changes its perception of an individual and sees it as deviant, an individual can re-evaluate his "self" according to the judgmental authority of …show more content…
Their families might feel these strain which starts a chain reaction for the bad behavior but they are simply to young. The different categories of how strain is show is Conformity are the group which chooses to both accept the goals of society and accept the standard means by which to attain their goals.Innovation look to fulfill the goals of society but instead of going about it through established channels, as conformists do, they will find other means to reach their goals. Ritualism in comparison to the conformist, the ritualist will reject the goal but still go about the standard means of doing so, a ritualist may go through the motions, Retreatism and Rebels have rejected the goals and the means to reach them. The retreatist will stop engaging in society altogether and instead might live in solidarity or in communes with like minded individuals. Strain theories claim that certain stresses or stressors increase the likelihood of a crime. These tensions involve failure to achieve goals monetary or state goals, loss of positive stimuli death of a friend, loss of valuable assets or presentation of negative stimuli. Such as verbal and physical abuse. People who experience these tensions are upset and can resort to crime to try to escape. Crime can be a way to reduce or escape tensions. Such as people steal the money they want or run away from parents who abuse it. The crime can be