There are 11 organ systems in the body such as the reproductive system, digestive system and the cardiac system.
The first level organisation is the organelles which collect together to produce a cell. The organelles all have a function in the cell to keep it alive. For example the mitochondria is an organelle in a cell which has the role of respiration in the cell. The mitochondria produces ATP which involves contracting muscles, taking part in cell division, transporting organelles and synthesising larger molecules into smaller molecules. Another example is the Golgi body which transport and store materials within the cell. Another example a nucleus, this is an organelle which carries all the genetic information for the cell to reproduce.
The second level organisation is the cells which are the organelles all functioning together. For example the muscle cell is made up of organelles such as the nucleus, cytoplasm, sarcoplasmic reticulum, these are all the most common organelles in a muscle cell, the function of these is to allow contraction and relaxation to occur in the muscle. Another cell is the ciliated …show more content…
This is a network of organs working together as an organ system. For example the cardiovascular system, which consists of the heart pumping blood around the body, then the blood returns to the heart, where it can be pumped to the lungs where it can be oxygenised again, then it is returned to the heart where it can start the process again. Another organ system is the skeletal system, the function of this is to protect and support the body. It is made up of the skull and the ribs which protect the organs. Another organ system digestive system, which has the role of digesting food, including the organs of the stomach, liver, pancreas, the mouth and the pharynx. All of the organ systems work together to keep the organism healthy and functioning e.g. the human