1. A Laissez-Passer is issued for use in connection with travel on official business, (i.e. travel paid for or authorized by the United Nations or a Specialized Agency).
2. At any given time an official of the United Nations or a Specialized Agency may hold only one Laissez-Passer.
3. This form is only available electronically as a Word document. It should ONLY be printed after all information required in Part A (Staff Member) is completed electronically, otherwise it will NOT be accepted.
4. Attach photographs to the specifications provided on the application form (for new Laissez-Passers only).
5. Submit the original form (no Xerox copies) through the appropriate certifying officer.
6. Photographs of dependents are NOT required as dependents are generally not included in a Laissez-Passer. It is only when travel of the entire family is authorized or paid for by the United Nations or Specialized Agency, i.e. home leave, change of duty station, etc., that the names and photographs of dependent family members can be included in a Laissez-Passer. If requested, photographs can ONLY be included at the time of issuance.
7. NOTE: The Laissez-Passer is an important official travel document. In this respect, all possible care is to be taken to prevent its loss, damage or theft. If such a case arises, the issuing office must be contacted immediately for further instructions.
8. It is essential that ALL (valid and expired) Laissez-Passers are returned to the issuing offices in New York, Geneva, or Vienna or to the respective Specialized Agency for cancellation prior to separation from the Organization. If requested, the Laissez‑Passer will be returned to the former staff member after cancellation.
9. The latest version of form TTS.2 is available on the UN HQ Intranet Site under ‘Forms’, or the Travel and Transportation Service internet