There is more than one side to the debate about cell phone availability during school. One claim is that students should be allowed to have their phones on them and use their cell phones during appropriate times. In the article, the authors provide details about how there are numerous reasons why cell phones should be allowed during school. Students should be allowed access to cell phones, because if they are responsible enough to be going off to college in a year or so, they should be responsible enough to have a cell phone on them and use it wisely (George and Cook). Another reason why cell phones should be allowed in school is because otherwise it can create a divide between the students and the teachers. Students are so invested in their phones, so if a teacher…
I believe that students should be allowed to have their phones available to them during school hours. The administrators of our school have shunned the use of cell phones at all time during school hours. We can’t even have them within reach. If they’re not in our lockers or cars then you run the risk of it being confiscated. I believe that if administrators allow phone use in schools then grades will become much better. Some schools in Texas, including my old school, allowed phones to be used regulary. Students had much better grades than in Jenks where phone use is prohibited.…
Although some people believe that kids should not have phones in school, it may actually be argued that kids should have phones in school. Here are some reasons. For one reason, kids will get on their phone if they don't have a laptop for research. Secondly, is that kids can call a parent if they need to. The last reason, if the kids don't have friends that will play with them, they can get on their phone for entertainment.…
Cell Phones shouldn't be aloud in schools because of all the bullying and harassment that goes on in the classroom. They could use their cellular devices for cheating on worksheets, quizzes, and tests. Students can take pictures of other students without their permission and post them on social media accounts like Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc. But Cell Phones should be aloud in school because they can take their homework home and be able to find their assignments easier. They should also be allowed in schools because it is easier for the students to follow along in reading and watching videos.…
Cell phones may be a very useful tool in school because they contain multiple uses including a camera, a messaging system, a calculator, and even a web browser on some models. This may sound like a good suggestion to have one in school, but allowing cell phones in school is not a good idea. Many students will abuse their cell phones abilities like texting in class which will distract the student and prevent the student from learning. Therefore, cell phones should not be allowed in school because it will lure the student to use it and it will cause many problems for the student and the teacher.…
Also, students also need cell phones just in case of an emergency. If there was a tornado or earthquake, how would the parent/guardian know if the student was alright. Also, if there was an intruder, the student could call 911 to alert the authorities. It’s no doubt the school systems are taking precautions about these unexpected events but just to be safe, we should allow cell phones in school. It’s very important that we redact these rules.…
Another reason cell phones should be allowed in school is because students are old enough to know what can be done and what cannot be done. In support of this, students aren’t happy about the fact that only teachers have the privilege of bringing cell phones to school. They feel that they are not being trusted and treated equally by the…
Should there or should there not be Cell Phones at school In my opinion, I believe that there should not be cell phones at school. Everybody loves to have them and use them all the time and they could be useful at times. This Means that if everyone brought their cell phones no work would be done. If phones were allowed the students would use them for fun and not for school.…
Admittedly the school would have to spend thousands on new smart phones for children that do not possess smart phones, but more students own new smart phones than new laptops that the school spends every year for every student, so in short the change from laptops to cell phones would save money for the school. A new laptop for a student can cost thousands of dollars, and in a large school they spend millions on new technology. If teenagers are allowed to bring their smart phones the school can save millions every year and be able to spend it on other important school activities. The Wikipedia fact checker says: “...80% of…
Seventy-three percent of students say they keep their phones on them during detentions according to the Journal. Many kids say they feel safer when they have their cell phones on them. If you keep your phone in your bag during detention, then students would have their phones with them. Also, if they have to keep their phone in their bag they would not get distracted. The rules giving your phone to the teacher during detentions or Friday school should be changed to keep it in your backpack so people would feel more safe.…
If anything happens and we can’t get in contact with our parents from the school we would have to use our personal cell phone. But with the “rule” of not being able to use them we wouldn’t have contact at all! It would a shame if a student got left, or unattended.…
But cell phones can also be used for less important reasons, such as excessive amounts of texting. One big issue concerning cell phones and teenagers is the use of cell phones in school. Many teenagers believe that cell phones should be allowed in school, during class.But cell phones should not be allowed during school, because they would provide distractions for students and teachers, allow for cheating on tests, and for other social reasons. If a student’s cell phone rang during class, it would obviously distract him from the class and whatever the teacher is teaching. It could also be distracting to other students, for if someone was talking on their phone while the teacher was talking, it would be difficult for the students to focus on the teacher.…
Mobile phones are extremely helpful after school when you’re travelling home. Your parent/ guardian can contact you regarding family matters and also after school if you have to walk your parent can phone you to make sure you’re secure. Likewise Mobile phones also provide safety and protection in times of need. If for example you are in danger of some sort you can phone someone quickly and inconspicuously. In addition if the child goes missing the police can track the mobile and parents can check in on the Childs location.…
But there are also disadvantages of bringing phone at school. For example, friends would envy to one who has an expensive smartphone. This will cause the increase of stealing things happening at school.…
Many schools across the globe let students use their phones in class. May it be for research, music, or just to play games in downtime, the schools allow them to be on their phones. A lot of other schools disapprove of students having their cell phone out for any reason at all. I think that all schools should allow their students to have their phones for many different reasons. But some students will try to abuse it, which should not be allowed to take part in being allowed to be on their phones.…