In the play of Julius Caesar a conspiracy formed and Brutus gets dragged in to it. So we will look at how he stated to get dragged in. The reasons why he joined. Lastly should he have joined. The start of the conspiracy was stated by Cassius. He was the first to actually talk to Brutus about it. Brutus did kinda agree more like feel the same way. When they were shouting for Caesar Brutus said “I fear Caesar has become king” (I,i, 88-89) Which shows that he might be open to a conspiracy and Cassius knows this. Cassius also knows that to do this he is going to need Brutus “ O, he sits high in all the people’s hearts”(I,iii,157). Now we know that Brutus was thinking about what if
Caesar becomes king, and will be burdened for he will continue to think about this. What was he thinking well, in one part of act II in Brutus soliloquy he says that Caesar will scorn those those who help him climb to the top of power (II,i,22-27 ) . In another part he references Caesar as an adder(II,i,32-34 ) . So we know that Brutus thinks that Caesar becoming king is a bad thing. With Brutus on the fence of the conspiracy he is persuaded be fake letters from the people of Rome. The reason why I say that Caesar should join the conspiracy and that killing Caesar was the right thing. One example is we she how he treats his wife (II,ii, 105-107) . Another is that he punished Flavius and Marullus for taking decorations off Caesar’s statue. We can also see others small examples that if Caesar is crowned he will go made with power. Sure some people say that don’t see it that way. They assume that he will be a good ruler. Well to that I say there was tyranny in Rome before and brutus’s ancestors kicked out the tyrants because they became made with power. Others say Caesar didn’t do anything. Well he did first he abused his wife. That or how about the killing of Pompey and Crassus . People might say to that but he did not kill them the people and the army did. Well Caesar was in charge of the people or army. That was Caesar so yes ceasar did not stab them but he had them killed. There is lots of examples that Caesar will do tearable things in power. I say that Brutus was right for joining the conspiracy and for killing Caesar. Brutus has seen enough examples and has justify the reasons and it's not like he made it personal. It was in the best interest of Rome. If Brutus had a chance to change things I don't think he would. So to end this paper Brutus was right in what he did and not only did he just do it but he was noble about it. For he is and honest and noble man.