I know you know what English classes do, how they work, and all the benefits, but I would like to show you how I see them! In no way am I questioning your intelligence on the subject, just showing it to you from the perspective of an excited student. English class is a very important class, especially for a college student, like me. English classes teach students to read, write, and recognize flaws like a professor. Without basic english classes, students would not understand readings or lectures in other classes, we would just read the words like we did when we were taught to read. English classes help us understand what message the author or professor is actually saying. We will not just be reading letters formed into words monotonously off the page, and then forgetting it two seconds later. These classes help us put …show more content…
Sure, sixth grade Honors Language Arts is probably significantly easier than Honors English 101, But I am so ready for the challenge! In my junior year of high school, I got into my first AP class, AP Language and Writing, and it was difficult. Probably the hardest class I have had in my high school career, but I still passed. I still pursued, even when I had math, spanish and physics homework piling up, and I had two instruments to regularly practice. I am pretty good at multitasking, if I do say so myself. But that is not something I am going to do if I get the seat in English 101. When I am in that class, my focus will be on whatever we are reading, writing or reviewing that