being an RA, you gain life skills that you can continue to use forever which excites me because I always enjoy learning new skills that can help in life.
Some of the skills I possess are that I am a great listener, I love being able to help people and solve problems.
I also love working in groups to achieve the best outcome. These skills, I think, would be great for holding the position of an RA. However, one of weaknesses is my shyness. Although I like getting to know new people and taking on new experiences, my shyness sometimes makes me refrain from certain situations and things. Currently I am improving on this by pushing myself a bit more and trying not to hold back as much which residence has helped with due to all of the events that pop up.
To achieve balance in my life, I like to use planner. Every day I look at it to see what needs to be done and when everything is due and at the end of the night, I like to write down everything that has to be done the next day. As for improvements in residence life, I think just trying to get more floor members involved would be great because it creates a great atmosphere and makes the events more fun due to the fact that there would be more than three people coming.
The discipline code I would practice as an RA, would be to the enforcing of rules because I am a person who likes structure and rules to keep everything running smoothly. Further, I feel that rules are put in place in order to keep everyone safe so this would be something I would be on top
I really like having floor events like creating decorations for the holidays or carving pumpkins, I think they are a great way to take a break from doing your work. So a social program that I would like to organize for the residents would be to do Sharpie Dyeing which is basically the same as tie dyeing but not as messy and the result comes out better. I think this would be a fun event to do, its gets everyone in the room talking with each other and it gets the creative juices flowing. Another social activities would be to take a trip off campus and go get ice-cream together to some other treat which I think would be good because sometimes people get so busy with school work, they never really get a chance to get out and look around. An educational program I would like to do is to create informative posters like best ways to deal with stress or ways to find help and where on campus. I would do this because then people can read it on their own time and I know that listening to someone talk about those types of things can sometimes get boring so this way, the person can take it in by themselves. However, I would also like to do study sessions with the floor because help is always great to get and sometimes listening to others talk about a certain subject, helps you understand it a bit more.
Three of my specific goals as an RA would be to create an atmosphere which fosters the development of community and respect to each member, provide a positive experience for each member and lastly, to inspire those around me