I persevere through life’s daily struggles. I don’t go down without a fight and have rarely ever lost. Life’s a game if you look at it the right way and so far, I am winning (knock on wood). I believe my sole purpose is to correct/interrupt the unnatural process by which many humans tend to follow and make it natural again. The reason why I am joining the army is so I can better grasp discipline and further my extent and intention of disrupting the unnatural process. …show more content…
I will show them that by industrialization we are killing ourselves. Our form of government is always and will forever be corrupt. I mean the people we have put in charge of our nation even though we own them they’re going behind our backs and doing secretive things effecting the natural process of life itself. I enjoy knowing that I can help society by developing a little organization DEDICATED to helping the world also I will be running a scientific society devoted to finding out how to eliminate toxic waste from nuclear power plants preferably an anti-matter solvent.
I will be making theories about how to make an anti-matter solvent. I know that but doing this I must major in many studies. Science, Astrology, Ecology, etc. I will have many obstacles to dissolve if I am going to accomplish this. Just a thought if I can manage an Anti-Matter solvent how will I contain it will it just dissolve anything at will. Unless I can manage to mold anti-matter at