A primary school for children aged between 5 and 7 years provides education for all children. A non private primary school is a statutory setting witch means that it has been past by law by parliament, this means they have pasted a law to say that the service either must or can be provided by them. Primary school setting must follow the national curriculum witch is what the school must teach the children literacy, numeracy, and science this is what the school should provide for the children on top of other subjects for 5 – 7 year olds the statutory subjects that all pupils must study are art and design, design and technology, geography, history, information and communication technology, music and physical education. Religious education must also be provided at key stages 1 and 2. All statutory setting must provide high quality …show more content…
When ringing your placement make sure to ask what you should wear, who your supervisor is, what your expected duties are, what they may expect you to bring and the settings policies and rules. Your responsibilities in a placement are important for example your attendance should be excellent because this can show that you are committed to the setting and proves you can be reliable.
You should be appropriately dressed at all times when on placement because all setting may have different dress codes it is always best to phone in advance and ask. Appropriate clothing to wear in placement would be no low cut tops. no jeans, easy to wash clothing is always best because you will be doing many messy activities especially in a day nursery, nursery schools and playgroups and you will want the paint or anything else that you may get on your clothes to come of off when washing