There is more than one side to the debate about cell phone availability during school. One claim is that students should be allowed to have their phones on them and use their cell phones during appropriate times. In the article, the authors provide details about how there are numerous reasons why cell phones should be allowed during school. Students should be allowed access to cell phones, because if they are responsible enough to be going off to college in a year or so, they should be responsible enough to have a cell phone on them and use it wisely (George and Cook). Another reason why cell phones should be allowed in school is because otherwise it can create a divide between the students and the teachers. Students are so invested in their phones, so if a teacher…
One reason that phones should be allowed in schools is because if you need to make an emergency call to your parents, you could make the call right then and there. Insteaed of waiting to be able to go to the office and hopefully be able to call them.…
So, should the students have cell phones in school or not? Having your phone maybe important because your parents need you or you are working on a very important assignment. But maybe they shouldn't…
Cell phones may be a very useful tool in school because they contain multiple uses including a camera, a messaging system, a calculator, and even a web browser on some models. This may sound like a good suggestion to have one in school, but allowing cell phones in school is not a good idea. Many students will abuse their cell phones abilities like texting in class which will distract the student and prevent the student from learning. Therefore, cell phones should not be allowed in school because it will lure the student to use it and it will cause many problems for the student and the teacher.…
First of all, I believe that if kids had cell phones, they could and would feel more protected. If an occasion were to arise in which they felt in danger, they would be able to contact the authorities or someone that could help them. I believe kids could benefit a lot from having a cell phone. I believe it could give them a sense of responsibility.…
Next, safety precautions are a big deal. They help advise people on what to do if needed. Cell phones help with those precautions. They can help with contacting special services. Imagine a student were at school and he or she ran into something or fell down and got seriously injured.Cell phones can help parents placate these worries.…
A third reason on why cell phones and smart phones should be allowed in school is that it’s convenient. A student at West Potomac High School in Alexandria, Va., says, “My…
No,no,no put up the phone! Cell phones should not be allowed in class because it is distracting,difficult to teach, and it don’t stay put away. They should notbe allowed because the children needs to be focused on their school work and grades and not some silly snapchat and instagram. They can do all of that when they get out the classroom or when they get home from school.…
Although may not everybody would agree I believe cellphones should not be allowed in schools. First of all, cellphones can be a distraction to students. Secondly, students can use the cellphones to cheat on a test, quiz, or classwork. Lastly, it can be stolen.…
Do you think schools and police officers should be able to look through your phone without permission? Some people think that schools have the right to go through your phone. Officials should not be able to search through your phone and things.…
I think that cell phones not okay for school because students have been making calls in class. For example when student doing his classwork and his parents calling him its bad for him because he cannot finish his classwork.…
Feeling of security – Knowing that your children are reachable anytime is quite reassuring for a parent, especially after events such as the Columbine shooting and the September 11th tragedy.…
Do you think cell phones should be allowed in school? This is a big debate society.Cell phones should be allowed in school because of emergencies,they make students happy,helps ,and most importantly, they can take responsibility. A lot of schools allow phones and tablets some do not. There are a lot of other reasons why or why not cell phones should be in school.…
Kids should not have cell phones in school because of what can happen. A lot of different things can happen to your kids when they have cell phones in school.…
In recent years, technology has rapidly been used as a learning tool in classrooms. Having technology at hand in classrooms is almost essential to learning. Students can use technology to find statistics help with work, the histories of various things, and learn how certain things work. Educators around the country are considering using cell phones as a learning tool in schools without enough money to afford computers. Although cell phone use in low-income schools can help students improve their education at a low cost, cell phones should not be allowed in schools. Cell phone use in schools can be a potential tool for cheating. Cell phones can also foster cyber bullying and sexting during school hours, and it can be distracting to students.…