The All Americans Burger video shows a mother and daughter trying to order, however the mother doesn’t know English properly. The daughter speaks fluent English and assisting her mother to read the menu. The situation is being presented in this video is that people that don’t speak English are being discriminated in the United States. People responded by speaking to the manager, others by facing the aggressor and some by inviting them to eat. The way this people act towards this situation make me happy. Knowing that there's many people that do not judge others just because they can’t speak a certain language is horrible. The purpose of this video was to show how many people are judged incorrectly by disrespectful people. If I had been in this…
You can effectively deal with rude or inconsiderate customers by remaining professional and not resorting to retaliation.…
Most workers who work in a clothing store or a store in general are being told to follow the minority customers around the store because they believe that all minorities steal which is not true. I am a minority and I do not steal, just because most minority steal does not mean all of them steal. Being woman males think that we cannot do the things that they do and that we should stay home to raise children, cook, and clean. When I was in the Army National Guard my first unit had an even mixture of males and…
People who have different beliefs or look different to yourself have every right to be treated in the same way you would want to be treated with dignity and respect. Everyone is different and their needs should be assessed on an individual basis.…
My earliest experience with inequality happened in the first grade through the type of reinforcements my teachers would give us. “Do your homework and study or you will end up poor with a bad job like a janitor or a trash man,” was something that I commonly heard from them almost daily. I can remember the janitors during my primary school days were constantly looked down on and how no one talked or paid much attention to them. The most interaction that I would see other staff members have with them was when directing them to a spill in the cafeteria or when something needed cleaning. I would hear other teachers complain about their jobs to one another and in order to make themselves feel better they would say “At least I am not the lazy janitor.” In hearing this, I grew up with the mindset that those types of jobs were only suited for the poor and lazy. It was not until I started my career did I notice just how hard the janitors and support staff actually have to work. In watching a 60 year old woman riding up and down elevators, cleaning the insides and outsides of doors, and squatting on her knees to get the in the cracks just for them to get dirty again within minutes; did I realize just how wrong those teachers and I were. While talking to the janitorial staff is when I noticed just how unequal things really were for them. Their hours and jobs were in constant flux or in danger of being cutout all together while the tasks that were asked of them constantly increased. Anyone that had an issue was asked to leave because…
-One of the service user’s rights is to be treated equally and not discriminated against. If you do this Service users will feel respected. If you respect service users it’ll enables them to have their say and feel valued and listened to.…
I could drift along like this, in some dreamy proletarian idyll, except for two things. One is management. If I have kept this subject on the margins thus far it is because I still flinch to think that I spent all those weeks under the surveillance of men (and later women) whose job it was to monitor my behavior for signs of sloth, theft, drug abuse, or worse. Not that managers and especially "assistant managers" in low-wage settings like this are exactly the class enemy. In the restaurant business, they are mostly former cooks or servers, still capable of pinch-hitting in the kitchen or on the floor, just as in hotels they are likely to be former clerks, and paid a salary of only about $400 a week. But everyone knows they have crossed over to the other side, which is, crudely put, corporate as opposed to human. Cooks want to prepare tasty meals; servers want to serve them graciously; but managers are there for only one reason - to make sure that money is made for some theoretical entity that exists far away in Chicago or New York, if a corporation can be said to have a physical existence at all. Reflecting on her career, Gail tells me ruefully that she had sworn, years ago, never to work for a corporation again. "They don 't cut you no slack. You give and you give, and they take."…
1 The older generations often time experience unequal treatment in the workplace and are subject to prejudice and discrimination. (Pearson, 2012)…
When a person is treated less well, in comparison with someone else, because of his or her racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation.…
Past researches have established that if a person faces any kind of injustice or uncivil behavior at workplace, it affects his/her overall mental health (Laschinger, Wong, Regan, Young-Ritchie & Bushell, 2013; Rai, 2015). Pearson et al., (2000) conduct an exhaustive poll and point out that a vast majority of employees have witnessed more than one act of incivility (verbal or non-verbal abuse) at their workplace. In 2011, a research conducted by Porath & Pearson reported that a shocking 98% of respondents have experience uncivil behavior at their workplace. Further the research revealed that from the above victims, 78% admitted that their commitment towards the organization declined due to such experiences (Porath & Pearson, 2013). Another…
From the time we walked in the door the security personnel spoke to us as if we were inmates and told us what to do instead of asking. This directly corresponded to our readings on theories of power, punishment, and control. I felt as if I was a criminal, when I asked the security guard a question he didn’t give me eye contact, he looked over my head and pointed. I also noticed that a lot of the employees seemed unhappy, one employee even swore. I think this has a great deal of how they treat the general public. I noticed that probably about 90% of the people in line to either go to court for themselves or support a family member were either Mexican American or African Americans-supporting the stereotypes of minorities being criminals, not considering there social…
I can provide good customer service by following all of my own beliefs. I am timely, I am personable, and I always do my best. Over the summer I worked in customer service as a hostess at a restaurant. Working there taught me how to interact with people and how to set my own personal conflicts at the door and do my job to the best I could. Also as a host I met people of a variety of ages, ethnicities, and races. Meeting a diverse population allowed me to cater how I was interacting to them and give everyone a unique positive experience. I can and will bring good customer service to being a…
The first stereotype that many people look at is lower class people do not have an education background. They think this class is not well educated because most of them cannot afford to go to school. “Accents influence who we select as friends, who we respect with authority and leadership, where we prefer to live, employment, and to the very real extent our personal aspirations in life as a consequence of self-perception directing ambition in education and other endeavors” (Fields, 2012). Many people having this in their mind about certain people. It brings hard times for many of them into the workforce. As we look at people in interviews, we see that many people are not educated and feel that they would not be great in the workplace. Now as the number of uneducated people is decreasing it is because of people out there are trying to work hard to have a better life.…
I found this article to be very interesting. Business analyst, Peter Drucker explained the changing dynamics of the workforce and covered “two extraordinary changes in the business world” as he stated in the article that has taken many by surprise. The first one is the overwhelming number of people in organizations that are not traditional employees and secondly, how many businesses have outsourced employee relations. The rise of the temporary worker has been unbelievable. Incredibly, 8 million to 10 million temporary workers are placed each day worldwide. Adecco is the world’s biggest private employer which places nearly 700,000 temporary and fulltime clerical, industrial, and technical associates worldwide. They do 250,000 workers in the United Sates alone. What I found mind boggling was that temps are not just filling in at reception desks; there are temporary suppliers for every kind of job, even to be a CEO.…
Ethical problems in providing services to the customer In the process of providing services to the customer where many unethical practices occur, misrepresentation and over persuasion are the most common practice It also occur in 4 major areas a) While providing service to the customer b) How members of a business organization fulfil their duties and responsibilities c) How competitors treat each other d) Providing a price fair to the manufacturer, seller and buyer. Problems in providing services Production Is obtaining raw materials and transforming them into products useful to man, transporting the products to places where they are needed, and storing them until they are sold. Production includes rendering personal, technical or services to people.…