Our military budget will stay on the rise for many reasons, like the rise of china, the threats from Iran and N. Korea, and the upcoming expansion of our military. If we are going to do something about the budget, we should not cut the military budget. We need to figure out how to get substantially more for each dollar spent. Not only in the military, but throughout our government…
One big question people are asking is “does America even have enough resources and money to go back to war?” The truth is America probably does not have enough resources to fuel a war and we will go farther into debt. In reality, the U.S. has not recovered fully yet from the first Iraq War. So economically, the United States is far from ready to get into another war.…
In the movie Antz they had no life, liberty and property the main character Z wanted to go outside the colony but he didn’t have his liberty to do so. In the movie the military represents a dangerous force they take advantage of their power and part of their colony die in battle. But in this movie there is only one Dictatorship running the army the queen does not get into the dissection but can make the last. I think we do need a military, not to be fighting with other countries but to train teenagers and young adults discipline and to be all they can be. Having the military also benefits us greatly by having our country secured so our army will stop those enemies that want to attack us.…
Having no weapons for your soldiers to combat with is bad. Not being able to purchase weapons because of national debt is even…
If the draft is brought back, the military would obviously never be weak in terms of numbers. Also, despite the increased wage towards the support of troops, cost would be preserved from the savings of other budgets being cut. And last but not least, it is the duty of a U.S. citizen to defend their country when in need. The reinstatement of the draft would be a great benefit towards the country of the United States of America. This has created a large debate over a military draft. This topic of discussion has been contemplated and deliberated since military forces were created. There are two sides, those for and those against. The debate over the draft is endless. Many realistic points can be made from either side of the argument over the draft, but the most logical and simple solution is to reinstate the…
For NCO’s, the book offers a chance to consider why tough and realistic training still matters…
The Federal Budget is used for many different necessities in America. It`s used for medicare, social security and more. One portion of our federal budget goes towards our military. Americans should spend less tax money on foreign armies, and more towards defense against terrorism.…
The United States is currently trillions of dollars in debt, and spends nearly 1-trillion a year over budget. How would you cut spending?…
The military budget in our country has skyrocketed, and for what? Those opposing the argument say that defense is needed to ensure freedom, but defense should not be pre-emptive war. These types of actions have sparked "a series of diplomatic and political problems" with both friend and foes (Goodman 10). In addition to problems, spending has risen with "$5 billion a month" in a vain effort to defend freedom (Goodman 10). Even though it is apparent that the U.S. is constantly trying to nation-build, it remains in denial of being an empire. America doesn't identify that there are responsibilities when building nations. The fact that there is not "adequate cooperation and support" from those it supposedly helps further proves the nations stance as an empire (Ferguson). The steps taken toward building other nations should be "internationalized under civilian [ ] control" and not militarily (Goodman 9). Especially with freedom in mind, war should be that last form of action on America's list. "Intelligence and law enforcement" should be the first steps used in the battle against terror (Goodman 10). Such steps have previously been witnessed to work more effectively than military force. Additionally, "international diplomacy" could be another action used before military forces to manage crises throughout the world (Goodman…
Theodore Roosevelt: I beg to differ, but having a larger military can intimidate the larger European countries and it will prevent war instead of creating war. In order to protect our colonies and the United States, we will need to increase our military and station troops overseas to keep peace and promote democracy throughout the…
As the newly appointed chief of staff I have been tasked with responding to a proposal for reducing Medicare expenditures by enrolling participants in HMO. I understand that we have some key questions must be addressed and that we must justify our position on either economic efficiency or equity grounds. Outlined below are some of the questions that must be answered in order address this issue properly.…
This brings up several issues, as each individual can decide for themselves whether or not they agree with how the money is being spent. I for one, do not agree with how the money is being spent. Especially after glancing at the World Debt Calculator and seeing how the U.S. is in debt to other countries with which we do not have the best relations. The U.S. owes over…
As most people will agree, education is an important factor to succeed. Educated people in a society stand for a successful society. The issue in Illinois is the universities aren’t being provided the funds promised to them by the Illinois State government. The schools are being forced to make budget cuts. The teachers at the schools are being forced to take furlough days, which are day they have take off with out a pay. The cause of all of these actions is due to the major debt the State of Illinois is in. The money the state should be paying the universities, the state is using it on other items. University of Illinois is one of the schools that has to take budget cuts. This is unfair to the University of Illinois because the State should be providing that money towards better education but instead it giving is using it insufficiently.…
It would be overly simplistic to say that military necessity gives armed forces a free hand to take action that would otherwise be impermissible, for it is always balanced against other humanitarian requirements of IHL. There are three constraints upon the free exercise of military necessity. First, any attack must be intended and tend toward the military defeat of the enemy; attacks not so intended cannot be justified by military necessity because they would have no military purpose. Second, even an attack aimed at the military weakening of the enemy must not cause harm to civilians or civilian objects that is excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated. Third, military necessity cannot justify violation…
Keeping the safety and security of our nation, I propose to the government to take more severe steps to tackle this issue. CBI report should be handed over to the government on an urgent priority…