Some people would agree with the statement because people will always have a difference of opinion. One person will always believe he or she is right in what they think, there will always be that one person who doesn’t want to just believe that he or she could be wrong, it’s basic human nature to fight over things such as; race, religion, land and wealth etc. As long as that continues in the world there will always be wars. For example “The conflict in Northern Ireland. “The troubles” the Republicans are Catholics who want to become an independent country. The Loyalists are Protestants who want to be part of the United Kingdom. In order to keep peace between them there is a peace wall, but I don’t think the peace wall keeps a lot of peace between them because of the negative feelings and violence associated with it.” There are not many quotes that support violence in neither the Bible nor any other …show more content…
religious scriptures unless you are being oppressed then it is a whole different matter. A non-violent approach comes directly out of Jesus' teaching, but Jesus did use violence himself, and his disciples carried swords
Other people would disagree with the statement because of many reasons, one of the main reason is Pacifism.
Pacifism is a commitment to solve problems without the use of violence; in particular it is the belief that war is always wrong. Some people are pacifist because they believe that it is, in principle, wrong to use violence. Other people are pacifist because they believe the damage done by war will be worse than any good it does, and this applies to the Northern Ireland peace wall, that the damage and ill feelings it is causing is worse than the actual good coming out of it. If people in Northern Ireland understood that then things would change. Many of Jesus’ teachings honour this behaviour. For example “When Jesus was arrested he would not let his disciples use violence to prevent his arrest” so therefore Christians who try to follow Jesus’ examples might try to say that because Jesus would not allow people to use violence to defend him, then violence is wrong, no matter what the case, and that peaceful methods should always be
I think that there doesn’t always need to be wars in the world. If everyone followed the teachings of their own religion accurately no one would fight because no religion teaches its followers to fight, to start wars with other people that have a difference of opinion than them. For example of all Christians lived by the teachings of Jesus, such as “Do not take revenge on someone who wrongs you, if someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn him the other also” Then even if someone did wrong someone accidently then he/she wouldn’t go out to seek revenge. Jesus taught that the right response to aggression is love not hate. Then slowly, slowly this way war would cease. It will take time, a lot of time, but there doesn’t always need to be wars. However some people choose not to follow the teachings of their religion and this is due to many reasons, one of them being that the believer of that religion does not agree with the teaching and therefore chooses not to act upon that teaching. Other people think that because of their situation or scenario they can be excused for not acting upon it or going against a teaching.