It´s your own body, so why should you not be allowed to decide what happens with your own body? Kelly Hockley (an Australian professional woman on human rights) said: “Euthanasia is in fact a good death”. I think that you should be allowed to decide about yourself, because if you want to die like that, you can of course, because you have to decide for it. It´s almost like brushing your teeth, smoking or riding too fast. Everybody recommends you to not ride too fast, but you can decide either you do it or not. It is and it will always be your decision! I do realise that you have to think about others, but when you´re very ill and you can´t do anything anymore then it …show more content…
But that is ridiculous, because we´re now so smart that we can end a misery for people, why shouldn´t we do that? If you are laying in a hospital and you´re only alive because of machines then your natural death has already taken place. You also may think that they are stupid or not thinking clearly when they want to die. That is in most of the cases true, but that is not relevant! When people can´t communicate clearly that they want to die, then the doctors aren´t allowed to let this person die. Already in the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Australia, New Zealand, Columbia, Canada, Oregon and Washington euthanasia is legal, so more and more people are getting convinced by these arguments so we should make it a law all over the