I enjoy learning as it broadens my knowledge allowing for senior acting opportunities that may be available. My preference in learning styles is the mentoring approach having someone as an experienced advisor/tutor, training myself for high knowledge levels and responsibility, allowing advisors to facilitate learnings with other members in similar positions. One on one training which allows personal interactions trainers and open discussions relating to difficulties encountered during said training.
Job rotation is also something that I feel comfortable with providing I have the skills and knowledge to work efficiently, otherwise I am open to receive …show more content…
training in these areas. By reviewing requirements needed in the work place, I can develop the required skills and learning activities needed to assist in selection of learning needs.
Keeping a training diary with written and measurable timelines, assists with training deadlines, also a learning log and documents on what has already been achieved to reach goals.
I am continually looking for learning improvement opportunities within my self-knowledge, and exploring outside the box for possibilities for future self-development. I enjoy working with persons with more experience and expressing my will to further my knowledge base, and determining competencies and standards needed to improve my personal work competence.
Reviewing personal progress and assessing current skills assists myself in future development needs.
12.How can I gather feedback from others about my personal performance and how can I use this feedback to improve my competence?
Using feedback can help you identify opportunities to improve. Feedback is the process that informs you how well or how poorly you are working.
There are several ways to gather feedback. You can ask for feedback from your superior. When asking for feedback from a superior, ensure you embrace what they are saying to you. Some feedback you receive may be negative, take the negative on board to develop what you require to improve on your work performance. Other ways of gaining feedback are to, ask your work colleagues on how you are going and is there room for improvement.
The other way to gather feedback, is to set a work performance meeting with your line manager. This will determine where your areas of weakness are and what training you will require to enhance your performance.
Feedback can be given in either positively or negatively. Take all feedback on board and pay attention to what is being said about your performance so that you can find ways to improve on what you are doing. This will improve not only your skills and knowledge but or work performance.
13.How can I use networks to increase my knowledge, gain new skills and develop relationships?
Networking has the process of establishing relationships with other businesses for the potential of future clients/customers.
Networks can provide information from other sources to gain knowledge and insight as to developments within other organisations, this in return can assist your organisation to improve on their current position, it can also assist you to gain new skills.
Networking can be a form of communication between organisations which can exchange information.
You can gain networks through emails, face to face or attending functions with other organisations and building a rapport. Social networking in the form an informal gathering could also build networks and contacts which you may benefit from.
The information that you receive from your networks, could be up about coming changes.
Building and having regular contact with your network groups, can build up your skills and knowledge, this can also give you and insight to your competitive’s activities.
14.How can I ensure that I acquired new skills to maintain my competitive edge?
Standing still in today’s world, results in going backwards. You need to continually grow and develop to remain competitive.
To maintain new skills, you will need to keep tabs on what is new and look for training in that area. Taking note of changes and the business horizons can also keep you up to date with what skills you will need to keep your competitive edge.
Assessing your competitors openly and honestly can play a key role in helping you. Know you challenges and hurdles that you may face to ensure that you are able to move forward with ease. Be aware of threats that may affect your business and your competitive edge
The use of your networks can assist in what is new and what skills you will require. Make sure you attend any new training that comes available that can assist you with your competitive edge.
15.How can I contribute to the organisation's competitive
The best way to contribute to the organisations competitive edge is by staying up to day with the current technology and products.
Always keep your knowledge and skills current. This may result in training and personal as well as professional development.
Another way of contributing to the organisation, is assisting with people with their skills and knowledge so they can better perform their tasks and duties.
Take every opportunity to act in senior positions to gain more knowledge and skills with in the organisation. This will also give you the chance to contribute to the organisation as well as keep you skilled.
Pass on your skills and knowledge to others who may need it to perform in their tasks