As discussed by Erikson’s psychosocial development stages: identity, intimacy, and generativity, first explore and define your identity. But Freud suggests a healthy adult is one that can love and work. Erikson agrees, but to be able to develop relationships and to love and work you must continue to develop an identity because work is part of who you are. In the meantime, attend college or develop a skill that can lead to a good career. Once financial security is established, you will be better prepared for the intimacy stage in which you engage in a romantic relationship. After establishing a relationship, you should be able to love, get married, have kids and work. Finally, at the generativity stage when you enter adulthood you may develop a concern about the commitment to the next generation. A way to contribute to the community may consist of you mentoring other young adults to establish a career to earn a living thus contributing to the next
As discussed by Erikson’s psychosocial development stages: identity, intimacy, and generativity, first explore and define your identity. But Freud suggests a healthy adult is one that can love and work. Erikson agrees, but to be able to develop relationships and to love and work you must continue to develop an identity because work is part of who you are. In the meantime, attend college or develop a skill that can lead to a good career. Once financial security is established, you will be better prepared for the intimacy stage in which you engage in a romantic relationship. After establishing a relationship, you should be able to love, get married, have kids and work. Finally, at the generativity stage when you enter adulthood you may develop a concern about the commitment to the next generation. A way to contribute to the community may consist of you mentoring other young adults to establish a career to earn a living thus contributing to the next