Psychological Approaches in Health Practice (P2)
Assignment Task
• You need to explain the different psychological perspectives to health practice. You should consider the different concepts of the perspectives as well as using examples of how psychological theory can benefit individuals and groups. Systematic Desensitisation
• Joseph Wolpe, a pioneer of behavioral therapy, developed a technique called systematic desensitization for the treatment of anxietyrelated disorders and phobias. This technique is based on the principles of classical conditioning and the premise that what has been learned
(conditioned) can be unlearned. Ample research shows that systematic desensitization is effective in reducing anxiety and panic attacks associated with fearful situations.
How it Works
• Systematic desensitization usually starts with imagining yourself in a progression of fearful situations and using relaxation strategies that compete with anxiety. Once you can successfully manage your anxiety while imagining fearful events, you can use the technique in real life situations. The goal of the process is to become gradually desensitized to the triggers that are causing your distress.
• Split into five groups
• Us the material provided today (and from previous lectures) to produce a presentation to the rest of the class tomorrow on your allocated psychological perspective.
• Then from the presentations use the following questions to answer P2
Questions for P2
• a) Explain how the principles of classical conditioning can explain why a patient is petrified of having injections.
• b) Explain the value of the social learning theory to explain why people become addicted to drugs and alcohol. You should use the principles of positive and negative reinforcement to explain how addiction gets started
• c) Explain how an understanding of the psychodynamic approach can explain how an individual who has been given a diagnosis of cancer but is