I desire more, thy cypress roses shaketh me,
Thou're the windeth and suns poetry.
Creating w'rds to enlighten thee, f'rging the oblivion into the chasms of thy chest
We wast moo intwin'd in the bidding courageous affairs
Death holdeth tongues of serenity losing mine soul
Haunting the dusteth and the eth'real
Fireth that kills us lust f'r lust blood f'r kisses of raindrops
Gouging me into thy breasts. i wanteth to englut the left o'er of thou.
lights in thy corse— ye shaketh me—
I desire more, thy cypress roses shaketh me,
Thou're the windeth and suns poetry.
Creating w'rds to enlighten thee, f'rging the oblivion into the chasms of thy chest
We wast moo intwin'd in the bidding courageous affairs
Death holdeth